We are FCC - n20

Great professionals Desirée Bueno, Rafael Huerga and Ignacio R. Gutiérrez are proud to be part of this promising enginee- ring project, the largest in the his- tory of construction that any Spani- sh company has ever executed and implemented internationally. They are great professionals who, from their respective areas of work, have shown an undeniable involvement and have provided more than palpa- ble experience at the head of similar projects. Moreover, throughout this time, they have also had to learn to reconcile their personal lives with the professional career they continue to build, a complex situation given the magnitude and scope of the Riyadh Metro as a project, as well as the dedication it demands. It has been a technical, organisational and cultural challenge. In their own words, the company has once again surpassed itself, althou- gh their testimonies show that they have done so too. In this issue of We are FCC, we detail their impressions and reflections. T H E P L A C E 48