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The SEA Empresas Alavesas busi- ness association has awarded the Healthy Company prize to the Gar- délegui II Landfill Joint Venture, for - med by FCC Medio Ambiente and the company Yarritu, after winning in the SME category. The winning initiative was “Five minu- tes of exercise at work”, carried out at the Gardélegui landfill, located in Vito - ria (Álava, Basque Country). The pro - ject is based on the ergonomics of the workers with the aim of acting on the discomfort and ailments that focus on the cervical, lumbar, dorsal and arms. The award was collected by Eladio Orive on behalf of FCC Medio Am - biente and Álvaro Yárritu on behalf of the company Yarritu. The aim of this award was to recognise good prac- The Basque Institute of Occupational Health and Safety (Osalan) has awarded the Interiores Bil - bao II joint-venture for its good practices in the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in the workplace. This second prize was awarded and recognised after the Institute successfully applied the “Five minutes of exercise at work” programme, con - sidering it to be a well-integrated action in the company’s activity that manages to reach a large number of workers. The public body highlights its effectiveness and easy implementation, not in vain it has managed through the conscious movement to reduce ab- senteeism from 13 to 4 points at the aforementio - ned joint venture. The Gardélegui II landfill site, winner of the Álava Healthy Business Award Recognition by the Basque Institute for Health and Safety at Work (Osalan) of the Interiores Bilbao II Joint Venture tices in the prevention of musculos - keletal disorders in the workplace in the year 2021. This project was launched two years ago by the employers’ association of the territory with the aim of promoting healthy practices and contributing to the good health of all workers in com - panies in the province of Alava. The award was collected by Eladio Orive, on behalf of FCC Medio Ambiente, and on behalf of the company Yarritu, Álvaro Yárritu. Award of recognition to the Interiores Bilbao II joint venture. W E L L N E S S 44 W E L L N E S S