We are FCC - n20

FCC Environment CEE, which this year celebrates 30 years of presence in the Czech Republic, is at the same time commemorating the 20th anni- versary of the “Mr. Popela” collection and recycling competition, first laun - ched in 2001. The company is cele- brating more than two decades of acti- vity leading projects and programmes for children and young people in the Czech market, in which thousands of them have collected and recycled tens of thousands of tonnes of paper. Through this eco-educational project, which aims to support a system of se- lective paper collection, students from the educational institutions participa- ting in the competition have the oppor- tunity to reflect on the current state of the environment and try to contribute to its improvement. This past year, the competition span- ned the 2020/2021 school term and managed to collect 576,462 kilograms FCC Environment CEE’s “Mr. Popela” collection and recycling competition celebrates its 20th anniversary in Czech Republic At the end of October, El Porcal, a former mining operation of the Ce- mentos Portland Valderrivas Group located in the municipality of Rivas Vaciamadrid, some 40 kilometres from the capital, was visited by the Global Nature Foundation, a private non-profit organisation dedicated to the protection of nature. A group of 25 people, made up of adults and several children, had the opportunity to enjoy, for two hours and with the help of the Nauman- ni Naturalist Association, the more than 400 hectares of crystalline la- goons full of animal activity. The wa- ters and reed beds of El Porcal are home to 184 species of vertebrates, according to studies by the Associa- tion and SEO/Birdlife. During the guided walk, they were able to observe and discover nu- merous species of birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles, many of them considered threatened in the Catalogue of Species of the Com- The Global Nature Foundation visits the El Porcal refuge of the Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group munity of Madrid and in the Red List of the International Union for Con- servation of Nature. At the end of the visit, the group expressed their surprise at having such a spectacular site in Madrid for the environment and the fauna it protects, and at the miracle of envi- ronmental restoration that a gravel pit has become a space of lagoons full of activity of such ecological im- portance. of paper, collected by the youngest pu- pils, from 274 schools and kindergar- tens across the country, which once again competed with each other. In total, 51,134 pupils contributed to envi- ronmental sustainability. R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 40 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y