We are FCC - n20

Aqualia, in its commitment to gua- ranteeing gender equality (SDG 5) and reducing inequalities (SDG 10), has signed its 3rd Equality Plan for the period 2021-2025. The docu- ment has been signed by the com- pany’s People and Culture mana- gement and representatives of the majority trade unions at the national level, the Federation of Related In- dustries of UGT (FICA-UGT) and the Sector of the Integral Water Cy- cle FSC CCOO. This Plan represents a new drive to achieve equal opportunities be- tween men and women and promo- tes measures and actions to achie- ve equity between both genders, in aspects such as the reduction of the wage gap, as well as the professio- nal promotion of female talent. Among other measures, the selec- tion processes will be improved with the development of an “interview guide” to avoid possible discrimina- tion. Similarly, the company is com- mitted to reinforcing diversity and inclusive leadership training for the organisation’s managers. It will also promote the use of inclusive langua- ge in all communication channels Moment of the signing with Carmen Rodríguez (centre), Aqualia’s Director of People and Culture, together with Juan Vázquez, General Secretary of the Integrated Water Cycle sector of FSC-CCOO (left) and Gustavo Vargas, Secretary of the Energy and Water Sector FICA-UGT (right). Members of the Negotiating Committee for Aqualia’s 3rd Equality Plan, made up of representatives of the sector’s UGT and CCOO trade unions and representatives of the company. Aqualia signs its 3rd Equality Plan for a more sustainable business : ensuring gender equality and reducing inequalities and internal documentation, as well as guaranteeing the application of comprehensive protection measu- res against victims of gender-ba- sed violence and raising awareness among the workforce in this regard. Aqualia is a benchmark in the imple- mentation of equality plans and sin- ce 2010 has held the “Equality in the Company” (DIE) distinction awar- ded by the Ministry of Equality of the Government of Spain. Furthermore, in 2017 it became the first public wa - ter services operator in Spain to be certified as a “Family Responsible Company” (EFR). R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 39 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y