We are FCC - n20

FCC has once again supported the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is celebrated every year on 25 No- vember. The Group made an appeal within the company to recall its prin- ciples and report on its commitment and vision: zero tolerance of gender violence and promotion of the social and professional integration of wo- men who are victims of this scourge. On the same team As part of the fight against gender violence, FCC held a commemorati- ve event at its corporate headquar- ters in Las Tablas. The event was opened by Ana Benita, corporate director of Human Resources for the FCC Group, who emphasised in her speech the company’s commitment against gender violence: “We all play on the same team”. Next, Paula Fernández-Ochoa, a consultant and speaker in high-com- petition environments, shared with the audience her lecture entitled “On the same team”. Paula empha- sised the company’s commitment to gender violence: “It is our ally and contributes to eradicating it and to achieving the labour and professio- nal insertion of the victims. There are parallels with sport. In the company we all play on the same team, men and women, and we will achieve vic- FCC commemorates the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women at its corporate headquarters in Las Tablas, Madrid tory when gender violence has beco- me history”. With this meeting, FCC is vindicating equality between men and women, rejecting any form of violence and contributing to building a freer and more respectful society. FCC is also renewing its commitment to public administrations and social partners with internal awareness-raising ac- tions aimed at raising awareness of the need to eradicate this social scourge and mitigate its effects on the victims. From left to right, Felipe B. García, General Secretary of the FCC Group; Paula Fernández Ochoa, consultant and speaker; Ana Benita, Corporate HR Director of the FCC Group and Javier López-Galiacho, Sustainability and Compliance Director of the FCC Group, during the ceremony. R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 34