We are FCC - n20

Equality is everyone’s business FCC is working andmaking progress in building a diverse workforce as part of its DNA and its business strategy. Together we will make equality a reality. Arturo Cordovilla, Bernardo Del- gado, Mariano Martín, Enrique García, Raúl Carrillo and Pedro Ledesma are all part of FCC. All of them have a great professio- nal career within the company, but, above all, a path marked by growth, full of enthusiasm and unforgettable experiences, both personally and professionally. They believe in diversity and equality and consider that ste- reotypes, beyond natural tenden- cies, are aimed at both genders. These stereotypes must be over- Arturo Cordovilla Pérez FCC Medio Ambiente “Men are becoming more and more aware in the world of equali- ty. Therefore, I think we must con- tinue along these lines so that we can soon all reach a good society”. Bernardo Delgado Olay Aqualia “I believe that will arrive at a con- cept of equality when we stop tal- king about men and women and talk about people”. Raúl Carrillo Martínez Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group “Equality started as a right. Today it is a duty and the goal will be achie- ved when it becomes a reality. come through naturalness and not through imposition. Continuing to promote the inclu- sion of women in the workplace, also in positions of responsibility, is one of the FCC Group’s per- manent objectives in its desire to achieve equal opportunities. Together we break down those roles and images that pigeonhole us and together we move forward in the project of effective equality. D I V E R S I T Y D I V E R S I T Y 32