We are FCC - n20

FCC Environment CEE produces a song in Austria in favour of biodiversity preservation Whether it is to secure our food sources as well as many medici- nes, to ensure clean drinking wa- ter, or to protect us against natu- ral disasters, the preservation of biodiversity is of fundamental im- portance. Not only for wildlife, but also for mankind. For this reason, the Austrian subsidiary of FCC En - vironment CEE actively contributes to this cause and continues to pro- mote ecological diversity. On this occasion, the company has done so through a very special campaign, based on the creation and production of a theme song that aims to send a sustainable message to all people who care about the environment. A small incentive to encourage recycling In collaboration with Gernot Resch, known as the main producer of the popular band EAV (Eerste Allge - meine Verunsicherung), now dis - banded, FCC Environment CEE has written this song with a clear message to promote waste recy- cling. The name of this cheerful piece of music is ‘Gisela Grün’ and it is addressed to all young people who care about preserving the en- vironment. Manfred Grubbauer, Sales Mana- ger of FCC Environment CEE in Austria, explained the importance of raising the profile of this issue: “It was important to us to convey the theme of environmental protection and waste separation with ease and humour, indicating that everyo- ne can make their own contribution. We want people to separate their waste out of love for nature and for their children. “If we manage to convince even one person with ‘Gi- sela Grün’, it will have been worth doing all this”. However, this action is not enough to draw attention to the relevance of preserving local biodiversity, so they have also built insect hive hotels around the plants and sites where the company operates, such as at the waste incineration plant in Zistersdorf. These shelters are created from old waste containers and natural, exclusively recycled materials. LISTEN GISELA GRÜN P E O P L E 31 P E O P L E