We are FCC - n20

Surveys for excellence Finally, the department sends satis- faction surveys to the relevant busi- ness area on purchasing and supplier management. The results are a great opportunity to learn, improve and im- plement improvements in the future activity they will carry out. Future, evolution and challenges FCC has recently passed the audit to regain certification in the UNE 15896 Added Value Purchasing standard, in which FCC was a pioneer in Spain. By 2022, work is underway to obtain certification in the UNE/ISO 20400 Sustainable Purchasing standard. Another of the objectives is to advan- ce in the digitalisation of processes, seeking excellence in them, which will enable progress to be made in redu- cing costs and expanding the depart - ment’s scope of action, with an impact on the international sphere. The people who form part of the Pur- chasing team envisage an even more digital and optimised future, particu- larly in the documentary part of the purchasing and ordering process. They know that they are exposed to an increasingly global market, which is undoubtedly a great challenge for them. It is clear that the objective is to offer an increasingly better service to the internal customer, bringing the added value of the professionalisation of the purchasing function. The Travel division, headed by Juan Manuel Blanco and Rosa María González, has won an award from the Spanish Association of Corporate Travel Ma- nagers (AEGVE) in the latest edition of its awards in the “Internal Reactivation and Communication Plan” category, thanks to a project implemented after the pandemic with the cross-departmental in- volvement of Santiago Díaz, from the Recruitment and Training division of the FCC Group’s Human Resources department. Interdepartmental collaboration has been key to the development of the project. This is a training-ex - perience initiative for travel applicants, distributed throughout the more than 30 countries in which the company is present. Through this e-learning, the need to travel, travel requirements and the new possible ways of travelling, including health and safety aspects, online procedures and compliance with the new Travel Policy adapted to COVID-19, have been put into context as a continuous update. This recognition is evidence of the digital transfor- mation to which the Travel division, through Tra- velink, is exposed in order to streamline its daily management, where they work with My Travel So- lution, the company’s corporate travel portal; and Cytric, a self-booking tool that replaces the Excel PDF file as a travel request system. The award also represents an additional step in terms of training as a fundamental aspect of the department, as the number of travel requesters exceeds 270 globally. Recognition of the Travel division Rosa María González and Juan Manuel Blanco, from the Travel division, and Santiago Díaz from HR attended the AEGVE 2021 Awards to collect the distinction. P E O P L E 29 P E O P L E