We are FCC - n20

capacity during this stage, at the be- ginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were several aspects in which the department saw its processes affected. One of these was delivery times, as many factories were closed during this period. However, the Purchasing department rose to the occasion and demonstra- ted its responsibility, which resulted in a palpable adaptation and satis- faction towards them by the different parties involved. Their own work was end, the members of the department have very complete databases, which are very useful for control, analysis and decision making regarding the needs of the FCC Group and the di- fferent users that make it up. The results obtained through reports are also examined, and not only allow us to know the reality of what is be- ing managed, but also to determine future strategies in different areas: performance, monitoring of suppliers and negotiation levers, evolution of raw material prices, etc. This analysis is carried out on a monthly basis, al- though they really know what is being done very closely on a daily basis. Monitoring through these indicators is constant, continuous and transversal for each business area. Sustainability Progress has also been made in ter- ms of sustainability, as digitalisation has also helped to reduce the use of paper, as well as travel for meetings. There is a growing awareness of the benefits of sustainable products or services, although there is still a long way to go. The team tries to ensure that products or services are provided by local suppliers. In addition, the aim is to ensure the highest degree of sustainability with the electrification of vehicles and the hybridisation of their engines, both in the vehicles that make up the com- pany’s fleet, as well as in the journeys carried out by company employees. The Purchasing department actively participates in the different quorums of this market, as well as in the ener- gy market. Training, trends and adaptability In the development of their work at the head of the department, the people in the Purchasing team assume their own training as a continuous impro- vement, very important for their opti- mum development, as they must be aware of the new products that come onto the market in order to guide the internal client in the resolution of their needs with their clients. It also makes them more competitive, being at the forefront of the latest trends in terms of products and services, knowing at all times what the market has to offer, as it is very demanding. For example, among others, the Pur - chasing team that covers Aqualia’s needs meets from time to time with the different suppliers, new and alre - ady known, so that they can present their new products. In this way, they are constantly updated and are able to make proposals and add value to the services and the Works depart- ment of this business area. On the other hand, visits are also made to factories and workshops of some su- ppliers by the different teams that at - tend to the business areas. The global supply and procurement problems have forced them, more than ever, to be constantly and inces- santly updated. This has had a major impact, especially on prices, as the increase in demand has led to higher prices and delays in the delivery of certain products, materials and com- ponents that are in short supply. The problem is sensitive, not only from the direct involvement of the manufactu- rer, logistics and transport, but also from rising energy prices and labour shortages. Internal planning and agili- ty are essential to avoid setbacks and to achieve price and deadline targets, as these problems hinder negotia- tions with suppliers and the validity of certain offers. only partly affected, as other issues, such as internal organisation, were not affected to any great extent. The team was already working digitally with a networked information sharing system before the pandemic. Data and the analysis thereof The good maintenance and manage- ment of the data provided by the bu- siness areas and suppliers is basic to the management of a process. To this P E O P L E 28 P E O P L E