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may emerge in the coming years to slow the advance of climate change through the use of green hydrogen and CO 2 capture projects. The Group’s CEO, Pedro Carran- za, highlighted the challenge that the cement industry must face in order to transform its production processes through increasingly sustainable models and start on the road to decarbonisation, ma- king it possible to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The cement sector is essential in achieving the objectives of the European Green Pact, due to its influence in supplying the entire va - lue chain of the construction sector, and can make a valuable contribu- tion to achieving the objectives of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030, and the Climate Change and Energy Tran- sition Act of May 2021. Specific and precise actions Pedro Carranza explained that the Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group has studied the areas for im- Greenhouse gas reduction, energy efficiency and circular economy have become a legal obligation that requires substantial investments for the technological transformation of cement factories provement with specific and precise actions. Aspects such as the reduc- tion of greenhouse gases, energy efficiency and the circular economy have become a legal obligation that requires substantial investments for the technological transformation of cement factories, which is why it is necessary to have the support of local and regional administrations. The visit ended at the Group’s faci- lities located in the Port of Raos, a vital point for the export of 85% of the production of the Mataporque- ra factory. The high environmental requirements in the fight against climate change defined by the Eu - ropean Union, and their associated costs, are not comparable with tho- se existing in countries in North Afri- ca or Asia, the main competitors of the company’s export market. It is expected that by 2030, 80% of the energy input from fossil fuels will be replaced by alternative fuels During the conference, the factory management presented its Energy Transition and Climate Neutrality Plan 2021-2030. cement B U S I N E S S 25 B U S I N E S S