We are FCC - n20

Cementos Portland Valderrivas presents its Energy and Climate Neutrality Plan to the Government of Cantabria Francisco Javier López Marcano, Minister of Industry, Tourism, Inno- vation, Transport and Trade; and Daniel Alvear Portilla, Director Ge- neral of Industry; both leaders of the Government of Cantabria visited the cement factory of the Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group located in Mataporquera (Cantabria), toge- ther with Pedro Carranza, CEO of the Group, and other executives. During the event, the factory’s ma- nagement presented its Energy Transition and Climate Neutrali- ty Plan 2021-2030, which aims to strengthen the fight against climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and the circular eco- nomy, increasing material recovery processes and the use of waste and biomass. It is expected that by 2030, 80% of the energy supply from fossil fuels will be replaced by alternative fuels, which means that biomass will ac- count for 40% of the total. Road to decarbonisation The Plan aims to increase energy efficiency by almost 11%, and the consumption of renewable energies in the electricity mix by up to 80%, taking advantage of wind power development projects close to the factory’s facilities. Also included are actions to improve biodiversity in the surrounding area, and the observatory of new techno- logies, currently under study, which Visit to the Cementos Portland Valderrivas factory in Mataporquera (Cantabria). cement B U S I N E S S 24 B U S I N E S S