We are FCC - n20

Aqualia is one of the world’s lea- ding companies in the full water cycle management sector. The company is owned by the citi- zen services group FCC (51%) and by the Australian ethical fund IFM Investors (49%). It is currently the fourth largest water company in Europe in terms of population served and the ninth largest in the world, according to the latest Global Water Intelli- gence ranking. It operates in 17 countries, ser- ving almost 30 million users in Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Spain, France, Italy, Mexico, Oman, Portugal, Qatar, Czech Republic, Roma- nia and Tunisia. In the 2020 fi - nancial year, the company had a turnover of 1,189 million euros and a business portfolio of more than 15 billion euros. Global experience in 17 countries Val-d’Oise Aqualia has also won the contract for the management of the sewe- rage networks and treatment plant of the Syndicat Intercommunal de Collecte et de Traitement des Eaux Usées du Bassin du Saus- seron (SICTEUB), made up of four municipalities in the department of Val-d’Oise, located in the north of the aforementioned region, close to the capital. These contracts highlight Aqualia’s clear commitment to the French market since its entry into the mar- ket in 2019, when it acquired SPIE (parent company of the companies SEFO and CEG), with 120 years of experience in the management of public water services. This process fits in with the strategy of bringing the company’s global develop- ments closer to the local level in a true commitment to the territories where it operates. Over the last three years, Aqualia has been able to combine its glo- bal experience, demonstrated in the 17 countries where it opera- tes, with the roots and proximity to the local territory that the SEFO company has been developing for decades to become a top-level solvency player in France. The awards confirm the confidence that an entity such as GPSEO, consi- dered the largest communauté urbaine in France, which coordina- tes the municipal services of more than 400,000 inhabitants, has in the company’s technical and ma- nagement capacity. Historic centre of the town of Mantes-la-Ville. Headquarters of SEFO, Aqualia’s subsidiary in France, in Andrésy. water B U S I N E S S 18 B U S I N E S S