We are FCC - n20

MORE INFORMATION environment As far as the street cleaning service is concerned, the portfolio awarded amounts to 503 million euros for a duration of six years and will serve 1,180,000 inhabitants The contracts awarded for the comprehensive management of green areas cover a surface area of nearly 1,500 hectares and 166,000 tree units and will have a staff of almost 900 people The contracts awarded for the comprehensive management of green areas cover a surface area of nearly 1,500 hectares and 166,000 trees and will have a staff of almost 900 people, a newly ac- quired fleet of 1,100 state-of-the- art electric machines and 220 vehi- cles, 60% of which have the ECO environmental label and 40% are Zero Emissions electric. The Madrid City Council has awar- ded FCC Medio Ambiente the servi- ce contracts for two street cleaning lots and another two for the com- prehensive management of green areas, which will serve more than one and a half million inhabitants. These services, together with the recent award of the street furniture maintenance service for lots 1 and 2, which cover the seven districts of the city’s central core, represent a total portfolio of 652 million euro. Amore sustainable city One of the highlights of the new services is that a large majority of the cleaning vehicles and all of the green zone vehicles will be ECO or zero-emission electric vehicles, underscoring Madrid City Council’s commitment to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly city. As for the street cleaning servi- ce, which FCC Medio Ambiente has been providing in the city of Madrid since 1977, the portfolio awarded amounts to 503 million euro for a six-year period and will serve 1,180,000 inhabitants. The company has been awarded lot 6, which includes the districts of Ca- rabanchel, Usera and Villaverde. Lot 4, which includes the districts of Ciudad Lineal, Hortaleza, San Blas-Canillejas and Barajas, will be managed by Alfonso Benítez, S.A., a subsidiary of FCC Medio Ambiente, leading a joint venture with Acciona Servicios Urbanos. The contracts awarded for the upkeep and maintenance of green areas, a service that FCC MedioAm- biente has been providing in the city of Madrid since 1994, total a portfolio of 147 million euros for the company for a four-year term, with a possible one-year extension, and will serve nearly 1,080,000 inhabitants. FCC MedioAmbiente will manage lot 6, as in cleaning, while lot 5, which inclu- des the districts of Moratalaz, Vicál- varo, Puente de Vallecas and Villa de Vallecas, has been awarded toAlfon- so Benítez S.A. 2,300 km of streets The street cleaning services, which cover 2,300 km of streets, will be provided by a workforce of almost 2,000 people and will be highly mechanised, with a newly acqui- red fleet of more than 350 vehicles, 70% of which will be ECO or Zero Emissions labeled. B U S I N E S S 13 B U S I N E S S