We are FCC- Nº19

Recognition of Badajoz cleaning service workers Renovation and operation of the Valladolid Environmental Complex Contract for waste collection, street and beach cleaning in Mataró (Barcelona) Time-lapse of the inner workings of the Kent (UK) power plant. Waste collection and maintenance of green areas in Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz) FCC Medio Ambiente participates with its ephemeral garden in Madrid’s European Mobility Week 2021 FCC Environment UK and charity KFR celebrate their first year of partnership in Wiltshire (UK) for the recycling and reuse of household appliances Glass management for Ecovidrio The Valladolid City Council has awarded a joint venture led by FCC Medio Am- biente the contract for the design, cons- truction and operation of the Domestic Waste Treatment and Disposal Center (CTR), which serves 521,000 inhabi- tants throughout the province. The total contract portfolio amounts to 138.43 million euro for a period of 11 years. FCC Medio Ambiente has renewed its contract with the Mataró City Council. This contract stands out for the city council’s commitment to sustainability and the urban environment, as more than 36% of the service vehicles and a large number of tools and equipment will be elec- tric, with the corresponding benefits in terms of polluting emissions and noise, carbon footprint and energy effi - ciency for the urban environment. FCC Environment, which owns and operates the Alling- ton plant in Kent, has released a time-lapse video of the plant’s maintenance to show how essential work carried out there each year during its closure ensures that the plant performs exceptionally well by generating energy from non-recyclable waste that would otherwise be lan- dfilled. A total of £150 million has been invested in the facility, which generates up to 43MW of power, 34MW of which is fed into the local electricity grid to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Any surplus power generated goes back into the system to help power the facility. The City Council of Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz) has awarded the Arcos joint venture, led by FCC Medio Ambiente, the new contract for waste collection and maintenance of green areas. FCC Ámbito has been awarded, in its glass recycling division, the public tenders for the selective collection and temporary storage of glass pac- kaging waste managed by Ecovidrio for the autonomous communities of Aragón, La Rioja, Comunidad Valen- ciana and the provinces of Ávila and Segovia, the latter through the group company Marepa. The contract represents a portfolio of 13.5 million euros for a period of eight years. APIA - Aqualia alliance promotes environmental information Educating the consumers of the future: 6,000 hours of digital training with Aqualia and its Children’s Competition Start-up of the Gela water treatment plant (Sicily) Record water network efficiency in Moravia-Silesia (Czech Republic) The biofactory in Guijuelo (Salamanca) transforms waste from the agri-food industry into biofuel The City Council of Albal (Valencia) and Aqualia renew the Social Fund to guarantee water supply to the most vulnerable people Fight against climate change at the Moaña WWTP (Pontevedra) Aqualia and the Associa- tion of Environmental In- formation Journalists have signed a collaboration agreement for the 14th Environmental Journalism Congress. With this agree- ment, both entities are committed to promoting the dissemination of rigorous information for sustainable development and the conser- vation of the environment and ecosystems. As a result of this agreement, Aqualia will be one of the sponsors of the 14th Environmental Journalism Congress that APIA will hold on 22 and 23 November. Aqualia has published the list of winners and finalists of the 19th edition of its Digital Children’s Compe- tition, which aims to raise awareness and educate children about the impor- tance of water and the work that goes into turning on the tap and having quality water. Participation this year has grown by more than 58%, which demonstrates Aqualia’s strength in its pedagogical role in environmental educa- tion and conscious water consumption. Aqualia’s Italian subsidiary, Calta- qua, which operates in the Caltanis- setta region, has commissioned the Spinasanta water treatment plant, which is already producing 25-30 liters per second and will reach 50- 60 next year. The treatment of well water using the membrane technologies of this plant will significantly reduce dependence on the high Si - ciliacque supplier and will give autonomy to the city, covering up to one third of its water demand. SmVaK, Aqualia’s subsidiary in the Czech Republic, has achieved a network performance of 87.7%, which means that only 12.3% of treated water is lost due to leaks. This percentage represents the lowest ever level of water losses in the network that the company mana- ges in this region After dropping four points from that achieved in 2019, the loss indicator is several points be- low the Czech national average of 15%. This achieve- ment has come about through a combination of invest- ments, early elimination of detected leaks and the use of online monitoring of the areas supplied. Aqualia’s circular bioeco- nomy initiative at the Guijuelo wastewater treatment plant has transformed the tradi- tional concept of wastewa- ter treatment plants, turning them into biofactories with a high impact on the regional economy, reducing the eco- logical footprint of the sector and serving as an econo- mic driver for the region. Aqualia and the Council of Moaña have announced the award of the European innovation project Life Re- seau, an initiative that aims to increase the resilience of the hydraulic sanitation infrastructure to the impact of climate change. The project, which will run until 2025 and will be coordinated by Aqualia, will include the participation of the ITG (Instituto Tecnológico de Galicia) and the Danish public operator VCS (Vand- Center Syd). B R I E F - W A T E R 65 WATER B R I E F B R I E F - E N V I R O N M E N T 64 ENVIRONMENT B R I E F