We are FCC- Nº19

KLAGENFURT FELDKIRCHEN SEEBODEN ROPPEN TAINACH HALBENRAIN GRAZ OBERTIEFENBACH GLOGGNITZ WIENER NEUSTADT ZELTWEG ROTTENMANN AMSTETTEN LINZ FREISTADT HIMBERG ZISTERSDORF WIEN FCC Environment CEE will be res- ponsible for the take-over and treat- ment of the waste collected from the Roppen transfer station, operated by the Contracting Authority, to the was- te-to-energy facility of FCC Zisters- dorf Abfall Service GmbH (wholly owned subsidiary of FCC Austria Ab- fall Service AG) where it will be ther- mally recycled in accordance with legal conditions and official require - ments. The contract, which will start on January 1, 2022, has a duration of 5 years and can be extended for up to 5 more years. Its value amounts to 33 million euros. FCC Environment CEE’s subsidiaries are located in more than 160 sites in 7 countries, both in large cities and small rural villages, and their spaces go beyond buildings or offices, as the company also has a large number of green areas, including reclaimed landfills, meadows and other areas of natural vegetation. Environmentally friendly processes The material transported and subse- quently treated will consist mainly of bulky municipal and household was- FCC Environment CEE has laun- ched a sustainable action at its was- te-to-energy plant in Zistersdorf, in line with SDG15 ‘Life of terrestrial ecosystems’ of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, through the creation, as a refuge, of the first beehive-hi - ve-hotel for bees. The plant is also celebrating 12 years of service since it opened its doors in 2009. The recycling facility uses municipal, commercial and industrial solid was- te to generate electricity in much the same way that a traditional power plant produces energy. This highly efficient, safe and clean process converts waste into energy through controlled incineration, while at the same time using advanced emis- sion control equipment. The impact on the environment is minimized by the use of rail transport to deliver the input material, efficient flue gas cle - aning, no effluents and less use of potable water. FCC Environment expands its activities in western Austria and promotes sustainable biodiversity From Roppen to Zistersdorf, across the Tyrol The first bee hives in Zistersdorf te, commercial waste, screenings from wastewater treatment plants and overflow screenings from mechanical pre-treatment of biowaste. The transport of the approximately 20,000 tons of waste per year will be carried out by an intermodal MOBI- LER system with 53 m3 containers. Although the first seven-kilometer phase, to the Ötztal Austrian Rai- lways (ÖBB) station, will be carried out by road with a tractor-semitrailer combination, most of the journey (634 km) will be made by rail. This solution proposed by FCC Medio Ambiente is extremely environmenta- lly friendly and avoids the emission of more than 1,400 tons of CO 2 per year. The land around the incinerator has become a popular place for bees and many other insect species, proving once again how clean the incineration process really is, as insects in parti- cular are very sensitive to air quality. With this new project, the company aims to promote biodiversity and add unique features to these green spa- ces. It is a safe haven for endangered insects. Sustainable shelters The hotels for the bees are created from waste found in garbage con- tainers and usable wood from was- te collected by the company, giving them a second life, promoting sustai- nability with recycled or natural ma- terials, also inside the shelters. The importance of pollinating insects to the economy is greater than can be imagined, with at least 84% of FCC Austria Abfall Service AG, a subsidiary of FCC Environment in Austria, has been awarded the contract for the transport and treatment of municipal waste of the West Tyrol Waste Management Association (ABV Abfallbeseitigungsverband Westtirol) plant species and 76% of food pro- duction in Europe dependent on po- llination, which is a problem conside- ring the results of human activity on their habitat. FCC Environment CEE offers these insects a peaceful and suitable environment to populate and reproduce, as well as a wide variety of plant life to feed on. VIDEO Operation of the waste-to-energy waste-to-energy plant C O M M U N I T I E S C O M M U N I T I E S 62 63 C O M M U N I T I E S C O M M U N I T I E S