We are FCC- Nº19

Another of the new services imple- mented in Dénia that is part of the global platform is the remote reading of the water meters of all customers of the service. In this sense, the mu - nicipality of Dénia is a national refe- rence for its high rate of meters with remote reading. As of today, 96% of the meters are already equipped with this technology. Advantages for the Service, the City Council and citizens Real-time monitoring Among the different applications that operate in an interconnected way in Dénia is Aqualia Water Analitics (AWA), the intelligent platform for the management of the integral water cy- cle. This tool has integrated informa - tion on networks, facilities, telemetry and information from other internal and external applications for real-ti- me monitoring of drinking water ne- tworks. Aqualia’s delegate in Alicante, Ma- nuel Rosado, explained during the meeting that thanks to Aqualia Water Analitics, and through Artificial Inte - lligence and Big Data technologies, “we can analyze events related to the quantity of water supplied, the flows and pressures in the network and the information from the remote reading of household consumption. Sensors distributed throughout the network monitor not only the quantity of water supplied, but also its quality through 2,200 data received daily from the supply network.” Optimization of daily work Another of the applications inclu- ded in the Aqualia Live platform is Aqualia Work Orders (WO). This tool makes it possible to process 1,585 work orders per month, with a high degree of optimization of the daily work and the assignment of tasks to the service team, both for maintenance work and for in- cidents. The implemented system provides continuous geopositioning of the vehicle fleet, which implies the optimization of routes and the assignment of orders. For the City Council of Denia, in the words of its mayor Vicente Grimalt, the new system has a specific tool, a web portal from which to control the water consumption of all muni- cipal facilities: “Which will facilitate an improvement in the manage- ment of available resources and anticipate in the knowledge and re- solution of incidents. The mayor explained that the City Council of Dénia has long taken into consideration the implemen- tation of the Sustainable Develop- ment Goals (SDGs); the optimiza - tion of resources; and improving energy efficiency. “We have even already drafted the ‘Dénia Smart City’ plan... and all these projects, of great importance, are already an unavoidable horizon if we want to save the planet and they find today a model and para - digm in the innovative management system, entirely digital, that Aqualia has launched in Aguas de Dénia”, added the head of the local govern- ment of the Alicante city. Facilitating citizen collaboration On the other hand, also participating in the presentation was the Spanish director of Aqualia, Santiago Lafuen- te, who explained that the choice of Denia as the “pilot office” for the new digitalization system “is not gratui - tous, since in this city we have a long history, always positive, of collabora- tion with the city council, and few ci- ties like this one have had to face so many problems in the management of a precious and scarce resource such as water”. These new appli - cations, he added, “will also greatly facilitate citizen collaboration, based on knowledge and information”. The initiatives presented in Dénia are part of a strategy of digitization of ur - ban water management services that Aqualia has launched with the aim of continuing to move towards greater sustainability and compliance with the SDGs. Santiago Lafuente, Aqualia’s Director for Spain, during his speech. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report 2020 T H E P L A C E 56