We are FCC- Nº19

Technology at the direct service of people Digitalization transforms the Municipal Water Service of Dénia (Alicante) and makes it a national benchmark The new and innovative management system is entirely digital and smart, thereby enabling the analysis of almost 600 million data for the benefit of the City Council of Denia and its users, unifying the management of the complete water cycle around Aqualia LIVE, through different interconnected applications. Sensors distributed throughout the network monitor water quality through 2,200 data received daily from the supply network Representatives of the City Council of Denia, led by the Mayor of the town, Vicent Grimalt, met with Aqualia exe- cutives in the new Aqualia Technolo- gy Center to learn in detail the new digital management project of the Municipal Water Service of the city, where they could see the transforma- tion that these digital systems involve in the day to day service and the be- nefits for citizens. This new technological control area is a pioneer in the services managed by the company in the digital environ- ment and contributes to the complete unification of the management of the entire water cycle through Aqualia Live, on a single platform. The Internet of Things, Big Data and Cloud Computing are some of the elements that Aqualia integrates in real time in the processes carried out in the urban water cycle, from collec- tion to sanitation. The 571 million data that the networks and meters collect per year are avai- lable at a simple click thanks to the network of sensors spread over the 500 kilometers of the supply network, structured in 81 hydraulic sectors. The delegate of Aqualia in Alicante and responsible for the project in Denia, Manuel Rosado, during the presentation of the new digital management project of the Municipal Water Service of Denia. T H E P L A C E T H E P L A C E 54 55 T H E P L A C E