We are FCC- Nº19

■ Refined sugar and all foods in which it has been used to make it: white blood cells stick to sugar, reducing their immune capacity. ■ Industrial, ultra-processed foods, pastries, coo- kies and chips. ■ Those foods that the body does not recognize because they include dyes or preservatives: the body considers them a possible threat and allo- cates white blood cells to destroy them, putting it at risk and leaving the door open to any patho- genic agent. If, in addition to including and eliminating these foods, we avoid stress, a sedentary lifestyle and sleep between 6 and 8 hours a day, our defenses will be able to face the cold without any problem and we will be safer. What we we should avoid o reduce FCC runs again for the heart and joins the the hybrid celebration of the XII Popular Race for the Heart FCC has once again joined in the celebration of the Popular Race for the Heart, which the Spanish Heart Foundation, together with the Spa- nish Society of Cardiology, orga- nized for the twelfth time between September 29 and October 3 in hy- brid form. This year, the return of the fa- ce-to-face mode after the pan- demic caused by COVID-19 was particularly relevant. In this regard, the day was a success on October 2 with the participation, due to the conditions arising from the pande- mic, of about 2,000 people in the streets of Madrid, specifically in the vicinity of the Madrid Rio park, very close to the center of the capital. On the other hand, the virtual for- mat continued to be present as a mode of participation for the se- cond consecutive time, offering everyone the possibility of joining the race from anywhere in Spain. Smartphones were the main tool for anyone who opted to participate in the race under this format, since the result and the marks obtained, as last year, had to be registered through an App in which the times of each participant were updated virtually. In this way, the launch of the event has once again demonstrated its responsibility in the face of the health crisis, with the permanent objective of caring for people’s health, and its commitment to the promotion of physical exercise and sport as a fundamental pillar to try to guarantee good cardiovascular health and the prevention of any di- sease of this type. For its part, FCC gave its emplo- yees the opportunity to join the motion and offered 140 free race bibs, thus demonstrating its com- mitment, so that all kinds of people, regardless of their fitness, age or place of residence could join this sports festival. On this occasion the modalities of participation and types of routes to be performed were as follows: ■ 10 km race: in homologated and virtual classroom mode. ■ 5 km walk: in classroom and virtual mode. ■ Shorter routes for children, only in virtual format. We did it, congratulations everyone! W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S 53