We are FCC- Nº19

Get ready for the arrival of autumn and feed your defenses As October begins, the cold, the ra- iny season approaches and so does the risk of catching colds and flus. In fact, the fall of the leaves is a good example of what autumn means, as the biodiversity that surrounds us saves its energy to face the winter, which is also very close. The days become shorter and our defenses are lowered, also due to the lack of some vitamins that sunlight provi- des us with, leaving a vitamin gap in our body that is taken advantage of by viruses and bacteria. There are two things that people learn from childhood: that vitamin C is good for boosting our defenses and the fact that not drinking orange juice quickly could eliminate its vita- min benefits. However, the immune system does not feed exclusively on vitamin C, nor do vitamins disa- ppear in a matter of seconds. Each of the vitamins that feed and nourish the body are essential. Our immune system does not rest, it always seeks to be prepared and alert to fight possible diseases and infections that silently await, of which we are often not fully aware. There are many external factors that directly influence our defenses and the best support we can give it, especially with the drop in temperatures, is to try to maintain a healthy diet against inva- ding agents. However, is it necessary to make use of food supplements, superfoods or any other type of products that help to carry out this practice? The truth is that it is not. Taking care of the defenses is simple and it is possible to do it with the intake of fruits, vegetables, legu- mes, nuts, healthy fats or proteins. Vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients are the type of mo- lecules and compounds that our body needs to be ready every day and func- tion at its best. How can we get them without having to make a major effort? Vitamin A Benefits: improves skin and mucous membranes, the first barrier of the im - mune system’s defenses. What do I have to do? Foods rich in vitamin A are: carrots, pumpkin, spinach, broccoli, cherries, melon, apricots, dairy products, eggs and oily fish. Vitamin C Benefits: prevents colds and boosts the immune system. What should I do? Citrus fruits such as orange, tangerine, lemon, lime or grapefruit are rich in this vi- tamin. Also kiwi, pineapple, melon, strawberries and red fruits. On the other hand, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, kale, spinach, bell pepper -which triples the vitamin C of oran- ge-, cabbage, kale, cauliflower or tomato are foods that provide what is necessary to supply the needs of the human body of this type of vita- mins. Vitamin D Benefits: stimulates the production of antimicrobial proteins. What do I have to do? Vitamin D is synthesized from the sun’s rays, 10 minutes a day on the face and hands is enough. It is also found in oily fish and mushrooms, although in small quantities in the latter food. Vitamina E Benefits: it is an antioxidant par ex- cellence. What should I do? Make use of olive oil and eat other foods rich in healthy fats such as avocado, as well as green leafy vegetables or fats from meat and fish, in addition to others with essential fatty acids, including Omega-3, such as seeds -chia, hemp, flax- or nuts. Iron Benefits: in addition to the fact that it is necessary to introduce foods rich in iron in our diet, its combina- tion with foods rich in vitamin C mul- tiplies its absorption. What do I have to do? Meals and lunches that include meat and oily fish, seeds, legumes, nuts, peas or spinach will help you maintain opti- mal levels of this metal. Zinc Benefits: reduces the risk of cat- ching a cold and also reduces its duration. What do I have to do? Rich in zinc are whole grains, legumes, nuts, fish, seafood, eggs, fruits and vege - tables, seeds and dark chocolate, which is more than 85% pure cocoa. Probiotics Benefits: the role of the microbiota in our immune system is elementary, as it collects energy from food, im- proves the motility of the intestine and its function, synthesizes other vitamins and hormones and provides support to the immune system. What do I have to do? Dairy pro- ducts such as yogurt or kefir are classified as probiotics and should be included in a diet rich in them, besides being necessary to maintain the defenses. Garlic Benefits: it prevents against dege- nerative, cardiovascular or cancer diseases. It also lowers blood pres- sure and helps fight cholesterol. Onion Benefits: natural remedy against respiratory infections, both cooked and raw. Spices Benefits: they boost the immune system, in addition to the flavor of food. Some of the most beneficial are turmeric, pepper, cinnamon, gin- ger or cloves. After the summer, the consequent drop in temperatures and the decrease in daylight hours, inviting introspection, it is time to keep colds and flus at bay when we leave the house. With the collaboration of Fundación Mapfre W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S 50 51 W E L L N E S S