We are FCC- Nº19

Gandía (Valencia) Indicators between May 2019 and April 2021 In 2020, it managed to reduce the ac- cident rate by 56.89% and score the lowest Frequency Rate in the area. The objective of the Catalonia Dele- gation is to achieve zero occupational accidents with and without sick leave and to reduce as much as possible the IEC (Common Illness Index). To this end, work is carried out transver- sally in the different departments of the structure and monthly meetings are held with the different depart - ments of the Delegation in which the rates obtained in the previous month are analyzed and the improvement measures that can be implemented are studied. Gandía Serveis Urbans, a company of the FCC Medio Ambiente Group, has completed one year and eight months without any accidents invol- ving sick leave. FCC Environment ■ Decrease in frequency: 29%. ■ Decrease in severity: 24%. ■ Reduction of 5.42% in the absen- teeism rate. Cataluña II Branch ■ Decrease in frequency: 63%. ■ Decrease in severity: 50%. ■ Reduction of 52.16% in the absen- teeism rate. In addition, they have generated a new document called OPS (Obser- vación Preventiva de Seguridad, Preventive Observation of Safety, in English), which raises awareness of prevention on a daily basis, throu- gh the observation of the tasks to be performed. Every time an acci- dent occurs, the report is filled out in detail and the event is thoroughly investigated and analyzed first-hand by middle management, reviewed by the Production department and su- pervised by the ORP department. In addition, Medical Services monitors sick leave due to common illness in order to avoid prolonged periods of convalescence (time for rehabilita- tion, tests and adaptation to the work position). The urban waste collection and street and beach cleaning contract of Gandía is committed to safety in the services it provides in the municipality and has implemented the Occupational Risk Prevention Management System of FCC Me- dio Ambiente following the criteria of the international standard ISO 45001. In addition, since 2020, the Healthy Organization Management System (SIGOS) has been imple- mented, which has significantly helped to achieve these positive figures in accident rates. In recognition of this joint effort and achievement, the entire Gan- día staff was congratulated by the company’s management team in a Employees of the Delegation of Catalonia II Environment. Act of recognition to the urban waste collection and street and beach cleaning staff of Gandía (Valencia). Catalonia II 1 Who we are 2 FCC Construcción i n 2020 3 FCC Construcción aligned with the SDGs 4 From challenge to opportunity 5 Our visioning: how we work Sustainability Report 2019-2020 2020 update symbolic act that took place at the company’s facilities in the Valen- cian municipality. W E L L N E S S 48 W E L L N E S S