We are FCC- Nº19

The objective has been to encoura- ge and promote the sense of belon- ging to a team as a catalyst in the prevention of accidents. Its purpose has been to transfer game mechanics to the professional environment in order to achieve bet- ter results, such as improved knowle- dge or skills. Since 2019, the 137 operators of the city’s waste collec- tion service and 6 middle managers as team captains have participated in the program. The results obtained have been very satisfactory and we continue with this type of biannual experiences in which each member of the winning team is rewarded with a 100 euro gift card. In the first four months of 2021, there have been no lost-time accidents. The good practices of FCC Environment to reduce absenteeism in the workplace Gamification: Pinto (Madrid) Zaragoza MEASURES CARRIED OUT In the last two years, FCC Medio Ambiente has intensified its efforts to reduce absenteeism, both due to work-related accidents and com- mon illnesses, in accordance with its policy to promote the safety, health and well-being of workers, promoting healthy work environ- ments. This policy has been reinfor- ced with the Sustainability Strategy 2050: a roadmap that integrates en- vironmental, social, excellence and good governance commitments, which are very demanding and of high added value for the company and society as a whole. From the point of view of occupa- tional safety, the plan contemplates a 50% decrease in accident rates in 2050 with respect to 2019 and reaching zero serious or fatal ac- cidents (own or to third parties) in that same year, as well as the deve- lopment of programs to improve the health of workers, both inside and outside the workplace. Following the implementation of these measures, and despite the situation caused by the pandemic, the result has been very favorable, incurring a decrease of around 25- 30% in frequency and severity ra- tes at national level. A joint commitment The role played by the company’s management team, as well as tho- se of Production, Human Resour- ces, Medical Services and Occu- pational Risk Prevention, has been key, as their commitment and direct involvement has facilitated the sig- nificant improvement in all indica - The workers at the Pinto Controlled Warehouse in Madrid have also managed to overcome a long acci- dent-free period. To this end, a plan has been drawn up with a compre- hensive improvement approach that also covers the working envi- ronment and external users of the facility. At the Pinto Controlled Wa- rehouse, various measures have been implemented in the area of Health and Safety, including impro- vements in the maintenance and lighting of roads, as well as the im- plementation of a live conservation and maintenance plan: ■ Execution of a live road conser- vation and maintenance plan, repair of potholes and mainte- nance of ditches. As many as 75 days have elapsed wi- thout lost-time accidents. A counter was installed at each work center to make this update public on a regular basis, every day. As a thank you and incentive prize, a silkscreen-printed stainless steel thermos flask was gi - ven to the entire workforce for rea- ching 60 days (two months) without sick leave due to accidents. The pur- pose of the counter and the associa- ted incentives is to make visible and help the staff to be aware of the im - portance of prevention in the organi- zation and that the actions of each of them has a bearing on the group, as well as to incentivize the staff throu - gh gifts every time the record of days without accidents with sick leave is broken, or certain figures or objecti - ves are reached. ■ Improved horizontal and verti- cal signage on the facility’s inte- rior dirt roads. ■ Increased lighting in work areas, increasing the number of lights in service and replacing the most obsolete ones with LED lights. ■ Reduction of the maximum au- thorized speed limits inside the facility. ■ Training of personnel in ope- rational functions, handling of work equipment and first aid. Development of a specific Oc - cupational Risk Prevention Awareness program. Counter of days without lost-time accidents and staff incentives Zaragoza solid urban waste collection team. Workers at the Controlled Warehouse in Pinto (Madrid). tors. The company would like to expressly thank all its delegations for their efforts in achieving such positive figures. Thus, it is worth mentioning that there are contracts, with more than 100 workers each, which have been recording zero accidents with sick leave for more than a year, such as the Mancomunidad del Sur (landfill and transfer stations in the south of the Community of Madrid in Pinto) and the collection service in Gandía (Community of Valencia). Likewise, the Catalunya II Delega- tion has managed to reduce its fre- quency rate by more than 60%, and its severity rate by more than 50%, since the project began in 2019. W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S 46 47 W E L L N E S S