We are FCC- Nº19

FCC Environment CEE, in its con- tinuous support to the circular eco- nomy and the environment, has re- cently opened the doors of the new Back2life reuse center, in the city of Trnava (Slovakia). Despite little competition for the project so far in the Central European country, it comes with great prospects. The facility will be operated by a team of people from the social enterprise Baterkáreň, specialized in this field. The building was built using five previously used shipping contai- ners, although specially adapted for commercial spaces. Customers will be able to leave items they want to dispose of free of charge and will also find items that, for a minimal price, they can use again. The aim FCC Environment CEE opens a new reuse center in Trnava (Slovakia) of recycling items in Trnava (Slovakia) is to be able to find products that can be given a second life, that are still usable, clean and functional. In addition, the Back2life website will allow customers to reserve items in advance. Tomáš Fajkus, Operations Direc- tor of the FCC Group in Slovakia, believes that the very name of the project, Back2life, sums up its essence very well: giving life to things. In addition, Fajkus points out that with the gradual transi- tion from the linear to the circular economy, and the need to protect the environment, “we have to look for new consumption alternatives: buy new things and throw away old things. Its purpose is to show how you can easily extend the life of things, prevent waste, and thus protect the environment”. With the income generated, they will contribute, together with the local government, to implement community projects and plant more vegetation in the city. In addition, it has a dual intention to help people, contributing to provide employment to those who have difficulties in fin - ding work, such as single mothers or disabled people. VÍDEO El Porcal, a former mining operation of the Cementos Portland Valderri- vas Group located in the municipality of Rivas Vaciamadrid, has been cho- sen as the ideal habitat to release a pair of peregrine falcons born and bred in captivity at GREFA’s wildlife hospital. El Porcal covers an area of more than 400 hectares distributed be- tween steppes and wetlands of the lower courses of the Manzanares and Jarama rivers in the Community of Madrid. Successful release of two peregrine falcons in the El Porcal shelter The release, which was authorized by the Regional Park of the Southeast and the Ministry of Environment of the Community of Madrid, took place normally and thanks to the informa- tion received from the GPS trans- mitter placed on the falcons, it has been possible to know that they have settled in Portugal, traveling through the Community of Madrid, Cuenca, Guadalajara and Almeria. The Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group joins the Ultreya Solidarity Movement David Vega, director of the cement plant, highlighted “the importance of promoting this type of actions, so necessary to favor the return to a social and economic situation of stability and prosperity, fostering The Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group plant, located in the Seville town of Alcalá de Guadaíra, has joi- ned as a sponsor of the “Solidarity Ultreya Spain” campaign, part of the “Ultreya Movement” project, whose objective is to promote the reacti- vation of the local economy, colla- borating with local commerce, as well as helping those families that have been especially affected by the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19. More than 20 participating asso- ciations and about 40 collaborators have joined this solidarity campaign by making different economic contri - butions that will be delivered to Ca- ritas at the end of each stage. With this donation, Caritas will buy basic necessities in local stores to be dis- tributed among families in vulnera- ble situations. The departure ceremony of the ex- pedition, which took place in the City Hall of Alcalá de Guadaíra, the city that promoted this initiative, was attended by the mayor of the town, Ana Isabel Jiménez Contreras, as well as other institutional and bu- siness representatives, including the Cementos Portland Valderrivas Group. values such as solidarity, empathy, the defense of equality and coope- ration, which allow us to strengthen ties and generate synergies to face the most complicated situations”. Message from David Vega, manager of the Alcalá de Guadaira cement plant (Seville). R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 42 43 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y