We are FCC- Nº19

In the last ten years, 20% of the sparrows have disappeared due to urban development, agricultural and livestock expansion, increa- sing noise and air pollution in urban areas and the widespread use of insecticides and pesticides. For this reason, Aquajerez, Aqua- lia’s subsidiary in the city of Jerez, has signed a collaboration agree- ment with the environmental asso- ciation Faunatura to carry out the “SOS Gorriones” Project, the aim of which is to promote the prolifera- tion of these passerine birds in the urban and periurban area of Jerez. Among the actions carried out, the assembly of the nesting boxes to promote the nesting of birds with the help of different associations of people with disabilities: AFA La Merced (Association of Relatives of Alzheimer’s patients), ASPANIDO (Association of parents and legal guardians of people with Down Sy- ndrome and other intellectual disa- bilities) and AFEMEN (Association of Relatives and People with severe mental illness in the province of Ca- diz). In this way, these groups are made participants, who with this task work psychomotor skills as part of their occupational therapy, in addition to feeling involved and an important part of a positive pro- ject for the environment of their city. Subsequently, these nesting boxes will be installed in the playgrounds of five schools, where students will witness their placement and will receive an educational session on the importance of preserving local biodiversity. In this way, Aquajerez and Fauna- tura also want to involve the educa- tional community, aware that young people are an important vector for raising awareness within the family. Finally, a nest box with a spy came- ra will be installed on the site of the Guadalete wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), thanks to which it will be possible to see the evolu- tion of the nesting inside it from the Aquajerez website. FCC Medio Ambiente, in complian- ce with its commitments to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, has achieved for the year 2020 and for the third time the ‘Calculo-Reduz- co’ (‘I calculate – I reduce’) seal gran- ted by the Spanish Office for Climate Change (OECC, Oficina Española de Cambio Climático, in Spanish), as part of the process of registering carbon footprint, CO2 compensation and absorption projects set up by the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Tran- sition and Demographic Challenge rage emission intensity reduction of 4.28% compared to the 2017-2019 triennium, for the 1+2 and 3 scopes. FCC Medio Ambiente understands the fight against climate change as a priority for society at this time and considers it a necessity to contribute to the gradual reduction of Green- house Gas emissions. FCC Medio Ambiente renews the ‘Calculo-Reduzco’ seal granted by the Spanish Office for Climate Change (MITERD, Ministerio para la Transi- ción Ecológica y el Reto Demográfi - co, in Spanish ). FCC Medio Ambien- te has continuously participated in this registering process since 2013. The ‘Calculo-Reduzco’ seal is awar- ded to organisations that calculate and register their Carbon Footprint for a minimum of four years, have a plan for reducing their emissions, and make effective their commitment to reduction. In this regard, FCC Me- dio Ambiente has achieved an ave- Aquajerez and Faunatura initiate a project for the recovery of sparrows in Jerez ADDITIONAL INFORMATION “SOS Sparrows” An inclusive project, involving different sectors of society and aligned with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), es- pecially SDG 15: Life of terrestrial ecosystems. R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 40 41 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y