We are FCC- Nº19

Félix Parra, CEO of Aqualia. Aqualia joins the #CEOPorlaDiversity initiative to promote equality and inclusion in companies Aqualia has joined the second edi- tion of the #CEOPorlaDiversidad alliance, led by the Adecco Foun- dation and the CEOE Foundation, to accelerate the development of strategies that contribute to bu- siness excellence, the competiti- veness of talent in Spain and the reduction of inequality and social exclusion. In this regard, Aqualia is the only company operating the end-to-end water cycle that is part of this pioneering initiative throu- ghout Europe. Félix Parra, CEO of the company, signed the company’s membership in this alliance, which includes a to- tal of 70 managers and executives from the main companies in our country: Iberdrola, Naturgy, Caixa- Bank, BBVA, Seguros Santalu- cía, Ikea, El Corte Inglés, Mahou San Miguel, Saint-Gobain, Philips, Nestlé, Melia Hotels Internacio- nal and Grupo Renault, are some of the companies that support #CEOPorlaDiversidad. In this new edition of the alliance, formed in 2019, the 70 members have committed to deepen their diversity, equity and inclusion po- licies and strategies by embracing the alliance model and seeking synergies between the different member companies. Following the development of the “Guide to accelerate the imple- mentation of diversity strategies in the company”, this alliance will continue to address strategic is- sues of concern to operational teams and diversity committees of member companies. Some of the issues to be addressed will include inclusive communication, recruit- ment and leadership, the aging of the labor market, the inclusion of people with disabilities, women’s inequality and strategies for crea- ting diversity-friendly brands. Joining the #CEOPorlaDiversi- dad initiative is part of the aware- ness and sensitization actions that Aqualia directs to its stakeholders, in order to involve them in the transformation processes that are required to address social challen- ges and problems. In this regard, as part of its social responsibility policy, Aqualia is committed to di- versity and has been collaborating for more than ten years with the Adecco Foundation to do its bit in the common project of achieving a better society, in line with the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Deve- lopment Goals (SDGs) of the Uni- ted Nations. The company recently renewed its commitment to the Diversity Char- ter for the period 2021-2023, a Eu- ropean charter of principles that confirms Aqualia’s commitment to diversity and its contribution to inclusion in the workplace. The Charter, which already has more than 1,000 signatories in Spain and more than 12,000 throughout the European Union, is based on 10 principles that range from rai- sing awareness at all levels of the organization, supporting a diverse workforce, promoting inclusion, communicating it internally and transferring this commitment, both within the organization and among customers, suppliers and other so- cial agents close to it. D I V E R S I T Y D I V E R S I T Y 38