We are FCC- Nº19

How did you join Megaplas Italia? I started working with this company in 1988, initially, in the management of the company’s personnel and cash movement. Over time, in ad- dition to these assignments, I began to collaborate in the management of installation equipment and customer invoicing. For a while I was in charge of the Oc- cupational Safety area, together with the legal management of special and other types of waste. During that pe- riod, I gained the full confidence of the owners of the company. In 2000, with the entry of Megaplas España, I was asked to continue with the activity related to Human Re- sources, as well as with the invoicing to customers. In 2003 I started, always at the re- quest of the company, to collaborate in the Commercial department, until I became responsible for the Project Management unit. During this period, I started to work intensively with FIAT AUTO in the new and important re- branding programs that are still pre- sent today. Project Management at Megaplas Italy Laura Placini I have always worked with total de- dication, earning the full trust of this great client as well as that of Mega- plas, a trust that has been strengthe- ned over the years after assigning me the responsibility of Country Ma- nager in 2015. What is Megaplas’ contribution to the design and corporate image market? I think what characterizes us most is the quality of both our products and our ser- vices. In terms of products, Megaplas has managed to differentiate itself from its competitors thanks to quality levels significantly higher than those of the sector, being something highly appre- ciated by customers, as evidenced by the fact that we have been working with many of them for decades. In terms of services, it should not be forgotten that Megaplas offers its customers the management of the rebranding of their commercial networks, which are generally geo- graphically dispersed throughout Europe. In this case, we offer a per - sonalized service, through a project manager as the only point of contact with the customer, giving an agile response to all your needs and kee- ping you always informed about the status of your project. How is the competition in the in- dustry? The corporate image sector is stron- gly segmented, mainly according to the size of the end customer. In the case of Megaplas, we work with the largest customers. In general, these Prior to launching the manufacturing of a customer’s final product, and through its designs, Megaplas ma- nufactures its corresponding proto- types of image elements. This exer- cise allows us to test the behavior and verify the real appearance of the design of the imaging elements once they are manufactured. Thanks to the prototype, errors can be de- tected, whether they are aesthetic, design or manufacturing flaws. The prototype is a simulation of the final product. This test phase makes it possible to validate, inter- nally and with the customer, that Error-proofing for excellence are large multinationals in the auto- motive sector with a distribution ne- twork of hundreds or thousands of points, whether they are car dealer- ships or factories throughout Europe. Very few companies are capable of changing the image of networks of this size and with this high degree of geographical dispersion, so our competitors are European in nature, with up to two or three companies in each of the countries. Within these companies, Megaplas is considered the leading company in the sector in Southern Europe, developing its bu- siness in more than 14 countries. What is your role within the orga- nization and how is the dialogue within the organization? As Country Manager of Megaplas Italia S.p.A. I am responsible for the day-to-day management of the com- pany. This involves the management of a staff of about 40 professionals in our Turin plant, where we are spe- cialized in the production of logos, being suppliers of the FIAT Group since 1980 for Italy and since 2003 worldwide. In terms of project management, from here we manage, in addition to Italy, other countries such as Swit- zerland, Germany, Poland, Greece, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and many non-EU countries. I also personally take care of the account of our main customer, the FIAT Group, which in recent years has brought Megaplas more than 100 million eu- ros in turnover. Another aspect of my work is the dia- logue with our sole shareholder, the Spanish company Megaplas S.A., with whom we share customers and support each other. Megaplas Italia work center in Turin. the manufactured products will be able to guarantee the quality and aesthetic criteria previously requi- red. Also, thanks to the creation of these prototypes, it is possible to suggest changes or contributions that could greatly improve the user experience as well as the life of the product. The manufactured proto- types are validated by our technical and production team members for subsequent customer approval. I N T E R V I E W P E O P L E P E O P L E 34 35 P E O P L E P E O P L E