We are FCC- Nº19

In an event organized at the head- quarters of the trade union UGT in Madrid, the Anastasio de Gracia-FI- TEL Foundation (Afgitel), the Fede- ration of Industry, Construction and Agriculture (FICA) of the UGT, and Aqualia praised the performance of the workers in the entire water cy- cle during the period of the pande- mic caused by COVID-19. Pedro Hojas, President of Afgi- tel and Secretary General of UGT FICA; Pepe Álvarez, Secretary Ge- neral of UGT; and Félix Parra, CEO of Aqualia, spoke before an audien- ce of union delegates and mana- gers, as well as Aqualia personnel. As part of the day’s program, repre- sentatives of several political par- ties, including the PSOE, PP and Recognition of Aqualia’s workers for the excellent work carried out during the pandemic Unidas Podemos, debated on “Blue and Green Employment” as a com- mitment to the future. Gustavo Var- gas, secretary of the Energy and Water Sector of UGT FICA, brought the event to a close. All the participants agreed in highli- ghting the enormous effort and pro - fessionalism behind the domestic water service, emphasizing the im- portance of this work for the quality of life of the citizens and to make such a simple gesture as turning on a tap and having quality and quanti- ty of water coming out a reality. FCC Medio Ambiente has signed a public-social collaboration protocol with the Department of Family and Equal Opportunities of the Council of Castilla y León to encourage the employment of women and promote equal opportunities in companies. The signing took place in Martihe- rrero (Ávila) and was attended by Isabel Blanco Llamas, councilwo- man for Family and Equal Opportu- nities of the Castilla y León Council; Ruth Pindado González, director general of Women’s Affairs; and Carlos García, president of Ávila Provincial Council. Representing FCC Medio Ambiente at the cere- mony were Luis Suárez, director of Human Resources, and Antonio Rodríguez, director of the Central Office. With this agreement, the company, which has the Seal of Equality in Business (DIE) awarded by the Ministry of Equality of the Govern- ment of Spain, aims to articulate a public-social collaboration project in the promotion of equality, pre- vention of gender violence, labor inclusion of women, with special consideration to women victims of gender violence, and the promotion of equal opportunities between wo- men and men in the business envi- ronment. In this way, the Department of Fami- ly and Equal Opportunities will pro- vide online training to promote the prevention of gender violence and will promote the inclusion of women in the labor market by making avai- lable to FCC Medio Ambiente the channels of the Castilla y León Wo- men’s Employment Program (PEM- CYL), a social innovation initiative of the Regional Government in co- llaboration with the Santa María La Real Foundation. For its part, FCC Medio Ambiente will participate in the social inno- vation laboratory that promotes the transfer of knowledge, female leadership and collaboration set up by the Regional Ministry. The com- pany also undertakes to facilitate the training of its staff and to pro - mote the exchange of experiences and learning in this field. FCCMedio Ambiente signs a collaboration protocol with the Castilla y León government to promote gender equality in the business world and the integration of women into the job market Luis Suárez, FCC Medio Ambiente’s human resources manager, and Isabel Blanco Llamas, councilwoman of the Castilla y León regional government, signed the agreement in Martiherrero (Ávila). Felix Parra, CEO of Aqualia, during his speech at the event. P E O P L E P E O P L E 32 33 P E O P L E P E O P L E