We are FCC- Nº19

Women difference who make a María Jesús Kaifer Brasero Technical Director (FCC Ámbito) The first important step is to see that you have made a mistake because you know where and why, and you will begin to change your decision making. Be positive in the analysis, because we all make mistakes. I would tell the women in the FCC Group to be enthusiastic about their work, to get involved, regardless of their current position. Be positive Get involved Rocío Santiago Barrajón Director of the Andalusia I branch office (Aqualia) Work and be seen Work with a passion I would send two messages to women who are starting their professional careers: the first is to work, a company will value you for what you are contributing; the second is to let yourselves be seen, to make sure that someone is watching your good work, so that when there is an opportunity to progress, your hand is raised and you are seen. I consider myself lucky because I think you must have a passion that moves you to work every day and the industry is key. My profession has given me a lot of satisfaction and good times. When I started working, I had no idea what the working world involved. I only knew that I wanted to be a corporate lawyer, work with many people and be part of a great project. I have achieved it and I am happy. I have also discovered a business that I am passionate about because it is a constant challenge and a challenge where every day I learn something new. My advice to other women is that, if it is your dream, do not give up on having the most fulfilling and satisfying professional career possible. Leyre Navarro Aranda Legal Counsel Director (FCC Construcción) Get involved in big projects If you make a mistake, nothing happens, life is very long, we have a professional career ahead of us in which we have the opportunity to improve those skills that we have lacked and take those lessons learned. Look at it as an opportunity to grow and learn. My advice is to always bring your ideas to the table. Never keep them to yourself, come up with innovative ideas and anything that you think will add value. María Jesús Fernández López Deputy Director of the Directorate General Directorate of Internal Audit and Risk Management (FCC Group) It’s your chance, grow Contribute your ideas Lucie Zumrová Director of Communication and CSR (FCC Environment CEE) Never say never, because you never know what surprises life has in store for you. Don’t say no, take it as a personal challenge, you never know when it can be useful in your professional life and become an advantage. Last but not least, a sincere smile can solve many problems. Never say never A smile is a great ally P E O P L E P E O P L E 28 29 P E O P L E P E O P L E