We are FCC- Nº19

The main dam mitigates the damage caused by floods in the Arlanza river basin, ensures an adequate ecological flow and guarantees the required uses. The environmental value of the tailing dam, a cylindri- cal dome dam with an 8-span spillway and a 219-me - ter-long crest, stands out, where, thanks to the mainte- nance of a constant water level, a 104-hectare artificial lake is created, which will allow harmonizing the co- existence of environmental, sports and recreational uses for public use. This new ecosystem has artificial islands to favor the colonization of aquatic birds and a fish ladder to reco - ver the continuity of the fluvial system and guarantee the survival of endemic species; in addition to other recreational spaces for the public such as an artificial beach, bird observatory, picnic area, pier, trails or sport fishing posts. The filling process that has just begun is a complex and exhaustive process, necessary to reach the definitive operation phase of the dam, knowing and controlling its behavior. Filling will be progressive, and is expected to be completed within two years, although it will be con- ditioned at all times both by the natural contributions of water from the catchment basin and by the needs for action that may arise during the various phases of filling. The start of this filling will take place after the implemen - tation of the Emergency Plan for the dam in the second half of 2020. La Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero, además, va a construir los sistemas de depuración de las aguas residuales de los pueblos que vierten aguas arriba del embalse de Castrovido. Estos proyectos se encuentran actualmente completando su tramitación administrativa. Las localidades beneficiadas son Regumiel de la Sierra, Canicosa de la Sierra, Quintanar de la Sierra, Vilviestre del Pinar, Palacios de la Sierra, Monasterio de la Sierra, Castrovido, Hacinas y Castrillo de la Reina. New ecosystem Filling process Complementary actions towers, two spillways (lower and upper) and two bottom spillways, as well as all the electromechani- cal elements necessary for its con- trol, highlighting the complexity of the monitoring system provided for the control of the infrastructure. The total investment for the main dam, the tailing dam and the rest of the complementary actions has been 250 million euros. Deloitte’s partner in charge of En- gineering & Construction worldwi- de, Javier Parada, gave a welcome address at the 12th Infrastructure, Transport and Mobility Sector Mee- ting, which was also attended by FCC Construcción, where the cu- rrent situation and prospects for growth in the sector were analysed. Parada pointed out that “the current crisis is going to have a transitory effect on the major trends that were occurring worldwide before the pan- demic”. He added that “it has accele - rated the process of decarbonization of the economy, with an increasing focus of investors on sustainabili- ty and compliance with the SDGs, which will have a positive impact on investments in renewable energies, energy efficiency, sustainable mobi - lity, water and the environment”. The first round table of the day, en - titled “Investment priorities for the coming years” was moderated byAl- berto Valls, partner of Financial Advi- sory and head of Real Estate at De- loitte. Participants included: David Pérez García, Minister of Transport and Infrastructures of the Commu- nity of Madrid; María Luisa Domín- guez, President of ADIF; Francisco Toledo, President of Puertos del Estado; and David Lucas, Secretary General of the Urban Agenda and Housing of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. The different speakers explained the investment priorities for the coming years, as well as the progress and status of the country’s different in - frastructures and the transformation projects that are underway. Juan Alfaro, partner in charge of Transport and Mobility at Deloitte, moderated the second debate of the meeting, on sustainable mobili- ty, which included María José Rallo, secretary general for Transport and Mobility of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and UrbanAgenda; Francis- co de Borja Carabante, delegate of the Environment and Mobility area of the Madrid City Council; Rodrigo de Esteban, head of Strategy and Institutional Relations of Acciona Servicios de Movilidad; and Manel Villalante, general director of Strate- gy and Development of Renfe. The members of the roundtable be- gan the session by analyzing the new law on sustainable mobility and transport financing, and also des - cribed strategies and discussed the liberalization of transport. Opportunities and Challenges in the Construction Market Miguel Laserna, Deloitte’s partner in charge of national infrastructure, moderated the last panel discussion on the opportunities and challenges in the global construction market. Ignacio Gastón, CEO of Ferrovial Construcción; Huberto Moreno, CEO of Acciona Construction; Pa- blo Colio, CEO of FCC; Pedro Si- güenza, CEO of Sacyr Ingeniería e Infraestructuras; and Santiago Gar- cía, General Manager of Dragados examined the current situation in a context of flat investment in Spain and the strong presence of their companies in international markets. During this debate they also addres- sed issues such as the importance of public-private collaboration, the need to gain efficiency in construc - tion processes in order to gain pro- fitability and the growing weight of ESG criteria as a lever to continue accessing financing. FCC Construcción participates in the 12th Infrastructure, Transport and Mobility Sector Meeting Pablo Colio, CEO of the FCC Group and general manager of FCC Construcción, attended the meeting on behalf of the company. construction B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S 24 25 B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S