We are FCC- Nº19

construction The inauguration of the reservoir was attended by Hugo Morán, Secretary of State for the Environment; Javier Izquierdo, Government Delegate in Castilla y León; Pedro de la Fuente, Government Subdelegate in Burgos; and Cristina Danés, President of the Duero Hydrographic Confederation. construction The Castrovido reservoir, located in the province of Burgos and built by FCC Construcción, has begun to be commissioned in the presen- ce of the Secretary of State for the Environment. This infrastructure will help mitigate flood damage, thus protecting the populations lo- cated downstream in the Arlanza River basin. All this, in a scenario of climate change where flow fluc - tuations are expected to be increa- singly accentuated. By regulating the Arlanza River, the dam also ensures the mainte- nance of an adequate ecological Castrovido Reservoir (Burgos) built by FCC Construcción begins to be commissioned flow, preventing the alteration of the ecosystem and guaranteeing the different uses for irrigation and supply, with absolute respect for the river ecosystem. Located in the municipality of Salas de los Infantes, one of the towns most affected by floods in times of flooding, the main dam of Castro - vido forms, with the current confi - guration of the spillway organs, a reservoir with a maximum capacity of 44 cubic hectometers. This dam, of gravity and straight plant, in mass concrete, is 534 meters long at the crest and has a maximum height above founda- tions of 95 meters. It has two intake A reservoir with a capacity of 44 cubic hectometres capacity B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S 22 23 B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S