We are FCC- Nº19

■ To have a certification scheme for sustainability management globally aligned with a commonly accepted international reference. ■ Transfer this commitment to stakeholders. ■ The possibility of making this model compatible with other reports, whether voluntary or regula- tory, such as the reporting of non-financial infor - mation or the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), among others. ■ First full water cycle operator to obtain sustainability certification based on its contribution to the SDGs. ■ #Escucha, Aqualia’s 2019 Sustainability Report, is the fourth best digital annual report in the world in the ‘CSR and Annual Reports’ category of the Digi- tal Communication Awards (DCA) of the Quadriga University of Applied Sciences in Berlin (Germany). ■ Recognition by the United Nations and the PPPs for Cities Center as a partner for governments to implement water management projects. ■ Adherence to the UN Global Compact as full part - ners. ■ Incorporation to the StepbyWater alliance. ■ Member of more than 50 associations in its commit- ment to alliances to meet the goals and objectives of the 2030 Agenda. Benefits of this certification Recognitions and alliances “The approval of the 2021-2023 Strate - gic Sustainability Plan is a milestone that allows us to map and measure our contri- bution to meeting the SDGs” CEO of Aqualia READ FULL INTERVIEW aqualia.com A n n i v e r s a r y 6 th The first company in the sector to be certified by AENOR in the achievement of the SDGs Will you join the celebration? The Decade of Action calls for accelerating sustainable solutions and business have a key role to play. There are still billions of people in the world who suffer from lack of access to safe drinking water and decent sanitation. Making progress on SDG 6 is essential to ensure global health and to help achieve the rest of the agenda. This Goal is one of Aqualia’s raisons d’être. CLEANWATER ANDSANITATION aniversario_ods_iAgua_205x265_AF_INGLES.indd 1 25/10/21 11:11 water B U S I N E S S 20 B U S I N E S S