We are FCC- Nº19

environment environment Recently, FCC Environmental Ser- vices has received the Gold Glass certification that the Glass Recy - cling Coalition (Glass Recycling Association) has given it for its suc- cess in the high quality of the glass it produces at its plants in Dallas and Houston, located in Texas, and the efficiency of the technology in its recovery, thanks to its constant market, having managed thousands of tons of glass in recent years. In this regard, the facilities in Houston received in 2020 the award for the Best Recycling Plant in the United States, which the Dallas plant had also previously achieved in 2017. Awards and Certifications Hillsborough Residential and commercial solid waste collection. Polk County Municipal solid waste collection. Rowlett Collection and treatment service for all residential and commercial waste. Wellington Residential municipal solid waste collection. Palm Beach Residential and commercial solid waste collection. Garland Transportation, treatment and marketing of recyclable waste. Houston Sorting, recovery and marketing of municipal solid waste in recycling plants and management of waste from sewage treatment plants. Orange County Residential and commercial solid waste collection. Edgewood Municipal and commercial solid waste collection. Volusia Collection of municipal solid waste and public facilities. Mesquite Treatment and marketing of recyclable waste. Omaha Municipal solid waste collection, pruning service and clean point management, transportation of recyclable materials and collection of seasonal residential green waste. Huntsville Recyclables management. Laporte Recyclables management. University Park Service of treatment and commercialization of recyclable waste. Dallas Design, construction and operation of recycling plant for municipal solid waste treatment. NEBRASKA TEXAS FLORIDA Recycling plant in Houston (Texas) Presence in the U.S B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S 16 17 B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S