We are FCC- Nº19

FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente strengthens its leadership position in Florida (United States) with new contract in Hillsborough County environment environment With this contract, the U.S. subsidiary of FCCMedio Ambiente will servemore than 1.5million inhabitants in the state of Florida. Hillsborough County (Florida) has awarded FCC Environmental Servi- ces (FCC Servicios Medio Ambien- te’s US subsidiary) the largest of the three lots in the new contract of resi- dential and commercial solid waste collection. The contract foresees a term of eight years and eight mon- ths, with a potential extension of four years. This agreement also grants FCC the exclusive franchise to provide the commercial collection service in its area which will add further 100 mi- llion to the backlog. The total contract portfolio amounts to US$280 million, which in euros would be around US$230 million. To serve the 105,000 residences in the awarded area and the commer- cial and apartment collection servi- ce, a fleet of 95 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) trucks is planned to be commissioned and will be based at a newly built fixed facility where the necessary gas refueling station will also be implemented. Iñigo Sanz, CEO of FCC Environ- mental Services, emphasized that the Hillsborough contract represents an important milestone in FCC’s his- tory in the state of Florida since, with this contract, the U.S. subsidiary will serve more than 1.5 million inhabi- tants in this state. About FCC For more than 110 years, FCC Ser- vicios Medio Ambiente, as part of the FCC Group, has been providing municipal services and integrated waste management, serving more than 66 million people in nearly 5,000 municipalities, whose activi- ty reflects its extensive experience in the sector: collection, treatment and recycling, energy recovery and disposal of waste; cleaning of public roads; maintenance of sewage ne- tworks; maintenance and upkeep of green areas; treatment and disposal of industrial waste and recovery of contaminated soils, among others. The company also manages a ne- twork of more than 700 waste treat- ment facilities, with nearly 200 en- vironmental recovery and recycling complexes, including 11 projects for the recovery of non-fossil energy from waste with an annual proces- sing capacity of 3.2 million tons and 360 MWe of power. B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S 14 15 B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S