We are FCC- Nº19

The objective of the FCC Group’s Corporate Security Department is to propose, apply, monitor and con- trol preventive and reactive security measures to ensure the safety and protection of all FCC Group person- nel and the company’s facilities and assets, both tangible and intangible, against threats of an antisocial or cri- minal nature. This corporate security space set up by the company is a communication channel for comprehensive support and advice to people and the busi- ness. From this platform, a series of specific security tools are made avai - lable to everyone in the company. The Corporate Security and General Services Department is the appro- priate body for a correct assessment of the security risks of FCC person- nel and the preventive measures to be adopted. This department promotes the de- velopment and implementation of crisis management structures and the necessary alert and response procedures in the event of incidents in emergency situations. In addition, it promotes the inclusion of security aspects in the studies and bidding specifications of the areas, as well as collaborating with those responsible for compliance by issuing open-sour- ce reports for due diligence investi- gations in operations with third par- ties. Welcome to your security space A value proposition of the FCC Group’s Corporate Security Department Enter and browse your security space A service: security support and advice to both staff and business areas. Tools: employee Apps, specialized assessment platforms; monitoring and response from the control center. The structure: support to the staff / support to the business. One purpose: to ensure the safety and security of all Group employees. An objective: to offer employees and business a channel of communication with the security department. F C C G R O U P 12 13 F C C G R O U P