We are FCC - Nº18
More than 400 organizations in Spain, including the FCC Group, wanted to commemorate European Diversi- ty Month for the first time. From the communication point of view, it has been a success, thanks to the work of the Diversity Foundation, which in three months has carried out more than 100 campaigns, with more than a thousand publications on social ne- tworks. This initiative raises awareness of the benefits of diversity and inclu - sion (D&I) and motivates companies that support the Diversity Charter to make their actions and commitments visible. The FCC Group, for its part, also launched a series of communication and diversity dissemination actions throughout the month of May, with the aim of continuing to work in favor of diversity and inclusion management. In this regard, and as part of the set of actions, we spoke with Sonia Rio, general director of the Foundation for Diversity. Sonia has extensive expe- rience in this field, having previously been coordinator of the Human Ri- ghts Program in Mexico City, and was also general director of Equality Po- licies for the Government of Mexico. Sonia Rio , general director of the Diversity Foundation , on the real management of diversity in the business environment On the occasion of the first European Month of Diversity When was the Diversity Founda- tion born and how did this initiati- ve come about? The Foundation for Diversity was created in 2009 with the support of the European Commission. Its objective is to promote and ensu - re that the 10 principles of the Di- versity Charter are implemented in companies and institutions in Spain. The Diversity Charter is a charter of European principles signed volunta- rily and free of charge by companies and organizations in Spain to make visible their commitment to diversi- ty and inclusion in the workplace. It stems from two EU directives from the year 2000 that establish a fra- mework to prevent discrimination in employment on the grounds of gen- der, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation, etc. What are the milestones and pro- gress achieved and where do we stand? One of the main milestones was to include D&I in the corporate agen- da. Initiatives such as the Diversity Charter, the UN Global Compact or the 2030 Agenda have contributed to this happening in Spain. Now we need companies to deepen their knowledge and make real pro- gress towards more inclusive work environments. In this regard, we are committed to: ■ Continue to promote joint pro - jects at European level such as the European Diversity Month or the exchange of good practices between countries. ■ A broad vision of diversity, not only taking into account the most developed dimensions in Spain, such as gender and functional di- versity, but also delving into other diversities such as ethnic, reli- gious, socioeconomic inequality, cognitive diversity, etc. ■ We also want this broad unders- tanding of diversity to extend to all areas and therefore we ac- tively seek to create synergies with the world of sports, culture and science. What does the Foundation for Di- versity offer to companies and what kind of actions does it carry out to achieve this? We organize events, with which we seek to add value to our signatories with quality content and speakers; we award prizes each year to the most outstanding diversity management practices; we publish the Diversity calendar with the most relevant dates in terms of human rights and diversi- INTERVIEW F C C G R O U P 8 F C C G R O U P