We are FCC - Nº18
FCC Environmental strengthens its presence in Florida, Texas and Nebraska (USA) with new contracts Agreement to develop workwear in women’s sizes Renewal of the waste collection contract in the Mancomunidad de la Comarca de Pamplona Donation of work clothes and footwear to Norte Joven FCC Environmental Services obtains the “Gold Glass Certificate” at its recycling plants in Dallas and Houston (USA) FCC Medio Ambiente and Irizar agree to produce the first 10 electric ie urban truck electric trucks New street cleaning contract in Arnedo (La Rioja) FCC Czech Republic develops methods for the use of sewage sludge for forestry applications The City of Wellington (Florida) has awarded FCC Environmental Services the contract for the residential solid urban waste service for a period of 10 years. In Texas, the Garland con- tract has been awarded for three years and the contract for the city of Mesquite has been ex- tended. In the state of Nebraska, Omaha was awarded a one-year contract for the collection of waste from the municipal street maintenance service. FCC Medio Ambiente has signed the first agreement for the research, development and manufacture of clothing and perso- nal protective equipment specifically de - signed and sized for women, for which it has chosen Almacenes J. Castellanos, S.L. as its partner of reference. With this initiative, FCC Medio Ambiente wishes to demonstrate its concern for the well-being of its female employees at work, achieve higher levels of compliance with the general legal requirement to supply protective equipment and show its commitment to effective equality in all areas of the workplace. FCC Medio Ambiente has recently signed with Servicios de la Comarca de Pamplo- na S.A. (SCPSA) the renewal of the con- tract for the collection of solid urban waste. (SCPSA) the renewal of the contract for the collection of solid urban waste. The relationship with the Pamplona Community, made up of 50 municipalities in Navarre, dates back to September 1985, and since that date the service has been provided uninterruptedly. FCC Medio Ambiente, through the “Improving Lives” program promoted by its Human Resources depart- ment, has collected work clothes and safety footwear in disuse and perfect condition and, in order to give them a second life, has donated them to Norte Joven, an asso- ciation with which it has had a collaboration agreement on labor insertion since 2017. The Arnedo City Council (La Rioja) has sig- ned a new ten-year street cleaning contract with FCC Medio Ambiente. In line with the Arnedo City Council’s commitment to sus- tainable mobility, the new fleet of vehicles will incorporate technologies aimed at re- ducing emissions and the carbon footprint. The company, in coope- ration with experts from the Technical University of Ostrava, the Institute of Environmental Techno- logies and the University of Ostrava, is looking for a method for the use of sewage sludge in agricul- ture. B R I E F - E N V I R O N M E N T 58 ENVIRONMENT B R I E F