We are FCC - Nº18
Miguel Perea, Aqualia's Director of Customer Management. Aqualia's free app has registered 50.2% more interactions and the virtual office has experienced a growth of 26% where it provides service. Aqualia has adapted all its facilities to the requirements of the new situation, especially the protection and hygie- ne measures recommended by the health authorities, to protect both the customers and the people who attend them. Capacity has been regulated and hydroalcoholic gel dispensers, disposable tissues and special wastepaper garbage cans have been incorporated, as well as preferential opening hours for people over 65 years of age. In addition, the premises have been reconfigured to comply with the new regulations and all the necessary signage elements have been installed to guarantee and remind people of the need to respect the two-meter physical distance be- tween people. Positive customer service rating Responsibility and adaptability Aqualia's commitment to offering a com - prehensive multichannel service has been reinforced as a result of the pande- mic. As Aqualia's Director of Customer Management, Miguel Perea, points out, "the increase in the use of digital media shows the responsibility and adaptability of the public. Users have internalized a more technological culture and have gai- ned confidence in the use of telematic channels, realizing that they are easy to use, that they are immediate and that we are capable of managing any of our cus- tomers' needs in the same way, regard- less of the channel used". C O M M U N I C A T I O N 55 C O M M U N I C A T I O N