We are FCC - Nº18
COVID-19 burst onto the scene in 2020 to completely change our habits and customs. In this sense, the health crisis boosted the digitalization pro- cess of companies, which quickly had to adapt their operating model to meet the needs of customers. The water sector was not left behind and, from the beginning of the pandemic, Aqua- lia adopted a contingency plan that in- cluded communication and the promo- tion of the use of telematic customer service channels, grouped under the name Aqualia Contact. One year later, the results have been more than significant. During 2020, Aqualia's telephone customer service channels: telephone Customer Ser- vice center, Virtual Office, App, Twi - tter and email. As part of the omni- channel project, the company has an Aqualia Contact search engine on its website, where customers can con- sult all the customer service chan- nels available in their municipality. The latest surveys that Aqualia con- ducted with its users at the end of 2020 reflect a positive assessment of the customer service. In this regard, the personal attention office has the highest percentage of satisfied users over the rest of the channels with 85.2%, which is an increase of 2.7 points compared to the previous sur- veys carried out, in 2018. It is worth noting the increase in users who rate this attention as "excellent" and "very good", which has resulted in 53.8%, compared to 39.7% in previous sur- veys. The telephone customer ser- vice has a percentage of satisfied users of 79.3%. The virtual office was rated 79%. The company continues to provide face-to-face service at its customer service offices in the municipalities The healthcare crisis due to COVID-19 has accelerated the digital transformation plans of companies such as Aqualia, which in the last year has strengthened omnichannel care to offer a comprehensive service to customers. The pandemic boosts the use of telematic means to carry out the management of urban water services received 1,240,219 calls, 54% more than the previous year. The number of transactions through the virtual office increased by 26%, reaching 163,814 interactions. The use of the Aqua- lia Contact app also grew by 50.2%. Likewise, customers have carried out 62,562 transactions through this channel to modify their data or make payments of their invoices. Precisely, with regard to billing in 2020, a total of 15,277 customers have activated the electronic mode, increasing this ratio by 85% compared to the previous year. Additionally, Aqualia incorporated in 2018 a Customer Care service through the social network Twitter, with the crea- tion of the account @aqualiacontact. In 2020, 51.5% more interactions were managed through this space compa- red to the previous year. The specialized attention of the ma- nagers, as well as the proactivity and speed in carrying out these proce- dures through a teleworking system, has allowed customers to be atten- ded to continuously and without in- terruption, through the various custo- mer service and fault communication C O M M U N I C A T I O N 54 C O M M U N I C A T I O N