We are FCC - Nº18

Aqualia acquires Ecosistemas de Morelos (EMSA), thereby bolstering its presence in Mexico. ACUAES has once again entrusted Aqualia with the management of the upstream supply to Zaragoza (Spain). done by the almost 60,000 emplo- yees who have contributed in an exemplary way to the provision of essential services. Thanks to them, we have been able to ensure the provision of these services with the aim of guaranteeing the health and well-being of citizens, in health and socio-economic circumstances that required solutions, commitment and teamwork. 2020 has been a historic year for the FCC Group, which celebrated 120 years of existence, always at the citizen’s side and an integral part of great moments. Today, FCC is one of the world’s leading global operators, specialising in environmental ser- vices, end-to-end water cycle ma- nagement and the construction and management of infrastructures, as well as the production of associated materials, with a presence in more than 30 countries. In her speech to shareholders, Es- ther Alcocer Koplowitz stressed that “we have once again shown that we are capable of recovering from the greatest adversity and turning every difficulty into an opportunity, working together and serving society”, to which she added: “this positive trend, despite the pandemic, is reflected in the extraordinary results we have achieved in the first quarter of this year, which is almost five times the earnings we achieved in the same period of 2020. Pablo Colio highlighted the actions carried out at an operational, struc- tural and financial level driven by FCC’s new shareholder structure since 2015, with Grupo Carso as a focal point. This has seen the Group grow resilient in different areas and it has demonstrated this in this tou- gh pandemic year. He presented to shareholders the breakdown of the 2020 financial results and referred to the most significant events and con - tracts obtained during the past year by the FCC Group’s different busi - ness areas. Colio concluded his presentation with the following thoughts: “we are looking forward to the coming years with great optimism, confident in our solid experience, in our results-orien- ted and prudent culture, and in our unbeatable human capital, all with the aim of building a business future in line with the strong commitment ie-Urban, the 100% electric vehicle developed by FCC Medio Ambiente, won important awards in 2020 and 2021. Allington Plant. FCC Environment strengthened its presence in the United Kingdom with the entry of the investment group ICON in the Environmental Services area. In their respective speeches, the Chairwoman and CEO assured that, with the work of the company, the teams that form part of it and its strength as a Group, they will continue to build, day after day, the future of FCC 5