We are FCC - Nº18

FCC Servicios Medio Ambiente, through its subsidiary FCC Ámbi- to, participates in a wind turbine blade recycling project to address one of the most important medium and long-term challenges for the renewable sector and the energy transition and contribute to promo- ting the circular economy in Spain. FCC Ámbito will bring its extensive experience in the recycling and mar- keting of Secondary Raw Materials (SRM) to identify the best available technology and define the operatio - nal processes in the development of up to 4 plants in different autono - mous regions, which would cover the country’s recycling needs. The first industrial-scale project in Europe would place Spain at the te- chnological forefront of this industry, and would contribute to the creation of more than 400 direct jobs and an innovative and exporting value chain. The initiative, led by Iberdro- la, has been submitted to the Next Generation EU Funds and aims to be an example of public-private co- llaboration, with the participation of seven major companies including Siemens Gamesa-, 11 SMEs from up to eight autonomous regions and five public entities. Transition of the wind energy sec- tor to the circular economy The investment would contribute to the transition of the wind energy sector to a true circular economy and would improve the competi- tiveness and sustainability of this industry, through research and im- plementation of wind-turbine blade recycling technologies and their di- gitalisation, creating a new industry of composite materials recycling, as the recyclability of turbines is cu- rrently around 85-90% and could increase up to 100%. The project includes the recycling of wind-turbine blades from the repowering of wind farms or those that have reached the end of their useful life or are defective, and will seek the recovery of their main components - mostly glass and carbon fibres and resins - and their use in sectors such as energy, ae- rospace, automotive, chemical or construction. Investment in the project would contribute to the transition of the wind energy sector to a true circular economy and improve the competitiveness and sustainability of the sector I N N O V A T I O N 47 I N N O V A T I O N