We are FCC - Nº18

Convensa, Contratas y Ventas was created in 1971 as a construction company located in Asturias and with the aim of dedicating itself to a wide range of works, lending special strength in railway works. It was in 1991 when it became part of the FCC Group, becoming the company specialized in railway wor- ks of this company. From that date, the geographical area of work was extended to the entire national territory, becoming involved in the execution of projects of international scope. In this period of time, Convensa has carried out works on High-speed Lines, Conventional lines, Na- rrow-gauge lines and Metropolitan lines, both for public and private clients. These works have ranged from the execution of infrastructure works through the realization of the su- perstructures, both new track as- sembly and existing road renewal, either in ballast or plate, building stations and transport terminals on the surface or underground and de- veloping the maintenance of exis- ting or newly opened lines. Value-creating company Convensa, Contratas y Ventas is a company that creates value through its activity, taking care of the people around it, the environment and the community where it operates, un- derstanding that sustainability is part of the company’s strategy. A sustainable company contributes to the development, prosperity, sta- bility and health of the social environ- ment in which it operates, creating direct and indirect jobs, boosting the economy and creating value for sha- reholders. Convensa’s staff is an important as - set that differentiates the company from other companies in the sector. The company has a team of experts with extensive experience in all fields of railway design, construction and maintenance, as well as providing support engineering where required. Innovation The company incorporates the latest technology in equipment and cons- truction processes, which positions the company, in many cases, as the best option for the client. Determi - ning what has value for the client means searching for competitive opportunities, trying to harmonize what the company values and what the client appreciates, adapting their expectations to the concept of total value. The company also collaborates in the communities in which it opera- tes and works in different projects aimed at the most disadvantaged people. It also supports children and youth, culture, sports and a solidari- ty economy. The observance of human and labor rights, respect for the environment and ethics are part of the corporate principles and of the people linked to the company. Convensa fulfills its commitments and acts in a fair, honest and trans- parent manner. As a company specialized in railway infrastructures of the FCCGroup, the company has presented its new logo, on the occasion of its 50th anniversary.