We are FCC - Nº18

FCC has once again celebrated the successful participation of its em- ployees in the eHealth Challenge campaign, the largest inter-com- pany Olympics in the world. Despite the current context of the health crisis, almost 4,000 profes- sionals from a total of 34 companies in 32 countries around the world, of which 363 belong to the FCC Group, have joined the challenge this year. The kick-off ceremony took place on 5 April last and ended on 16 May. All of them, distributed in 429 teams, have covered a total of 1,088,698 ki- lometers over six weeks and in diffe - rent categories. The collaboration of the employees of the FCC Group and all its busi- ness areas has been fundamental in winning several corporate, indivi- dual and company digital trophies, which Hub&Go has sent on behalf of the company and all of them. In the overall individual ranking, Vi- cente Plaza (Panucci), from FCC Industrial, won no less than the bronze medal in the men’s activity category; José Blanco took second place in the men’s walking category; and Esperanza Jiménez, from FCC Medio Ambiente UTE Madrid Zona 6, third place in women’s running. In the overall classification by com - panies, FCC has reached the podium in almost all the modalities, with two silver medals in activity and walking, either by kilometers or by average time; as well as several bronze me- dals in the rest of the categories. Trophy as a participating company ■ 2nd classified in the category “Large Company” - Activity ■ 2nd classified in the “Large Company” category - Walking (by kilometers) ■ 3rd classified in the “Large Company” category - Running (by average time) ■ 3rd classified in the “Large Company” category - Running (by kilometers) ■ 3rd classified in the “Large Company” category - Cycling (by kilometers) ■ 3rd classified in the “Large Com - pany” category - Swimming (by kilometers) ■ 3rd classified in the “Large Com - pany” category - Swimming (by average time) Through its ambassadors, FCC has managed to go beyond 105,082 kilo - meters, 62,766 in relation to the tra- ining phase and 42,316 correspon- ding to the activity stage. This is an outstanding result that has allowed the company to place in the top po- sitions in several of the categories of this fifth edition of the Olympiad. We are grateful for the work of each of the participants, thanks to which FCC has been able to maintain an outstanding presence throughout the Olympiad. The EHealth Challenge is a very beneficial initiative in the workplace, with which the com- pany has once again given its staff the opportunity to incor - porate and promote healthy li- festyle habits in their daily lives, including the practice of sports activities such as walking, run- ning, swimming or cycling. Whether they are athletes or not, the contribution of the FCC Group’s employees has once again been fundamen- tal. Therefore, the company congratulates all those who have joined this corporate challenge, leaving FCC at the top, and reiterates the need to be constant and bet on the welfare, personal health and care of our planet in achieving a common, healthy and su- pportive goal. With this action, we have managed to save the atmosphere a total of 234,749 kilograms of CO 2 , equivalent to more than 14 million trees. FCC employees at the top of the rankings of the 5th Intercompany eHealth Challenge Olympics TheWorld’s Largest Inter-Company Olympiad Our most sincere congratulations to all for themagnificent results W E L L N E S S 44 W E L L N E S S