We are FCC - Nº18

a pinch anywhere on the patella. It does not prevent the activity, but it is usually sufficiently bothersome and becomes inflamed. ■ How to avoid it: Strengthe- ning the quadriceps and good running technique. If you run too much “lying forward”, the ham- string takes more pressure than it should. You must run with good hip-knee-foot alignment. Pro- prioception/balance also greatly improves the quality of the ham- string. ■ Rehabilitation: Ice, physiothe- rapy, specific quadriceps streng - thening and stretching, along with good training and good running technique and balance. Plantar fasciitis The plantar fascia is a ‘membrane’ that covers the lower muscles of the foot. The fasciae of the body become tight if the muscles are very tense, and in the case of the plantar fascia it is very dependent on all the structu- res at the back of the leg. Fasciitis is a pain in the plantar arch that is con- centrated in the heel. It also depends on the shape of the plantar arch and the weight of the person. ■ How to avoid it: Many times, when this happens, you don’t know the exact reason. Having quality training, good posterior flexibility and in particular of the calf muscles, should solve the problem. ■ Rehabilitation: Lots of patience. Ice, massage, calf-soleus-ischio- tibial stretches, and specific foot exercises for plantar fasciitis. The assessment of a sports professio- nal and rehabilitation (physiothe- rapy) will always be of great help to get the diagnosis right. If it is a foot or hip problem, a podiatric study for the use of insoles can be assessed.. Achilles tendinitis It is the same mechanism as plan- tar fasciitis, but instead of the fas- cia becoming inflamed, the Achilles tendon becomes inflamed due to too much tension in the posterior structures of the leg, especially the calf and soleus, which insert into the calcaneal bone through this tendon. ■ How to avoid it: Good sports hygiene. That is, flexibility, stren - gth, and running technique with good body alignment. It helps us a lot to improve balance (proprio- ception) with bosu, for example. ■ Rehabilitation: A little more conservative treatment is neces- sary than with fasciitis, since it is easier for it to worsen and beco- me a bigger problem. No running (elliptical or cycling) until the in- flammation goes down a little, lots of ice and physiotherapy. Pubalgia - Osteopathy of pubis In the pubic bone there are muscles of the leg and abdomen that origi- nate and insert there, and having a minimal joint in the middle (pubic symphysis) it assumes movements generated by the surrounding mus- cles. When one part rotates too much over the other, it generates the dreaded ‘osteopathies’, which are pains that go down towards the groin or up towards the abdomen. ■ How to avoid it: Flexibility and hip mobility, generate good run- ning technique and make sure that we are not using more streng- th with one leg than with the other. Perform abdominal strength ex- cercises correctly. ■ Rehabilitation: Physiothera- py, isometric strength, postural hygiene exercises (e.g. Pilates), flexibility and improving hip mus - cle strength. PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) stret- ching of adductors, and exerci- ses such as holding a ball with the knees and squeezing it for five seconds, with 15 repetitions.. Low back pain Lower back pain when starting to run is quite common. This may be due to poor running posture, or im- balances between the muscles of the spine and abdomen. ■ How to avoid it: Postural exer- cises, correct preparation and warm-up, strengthening of the abdomen and back muscles in general, always under the super- vision of a professional to promote the correct execution of the exer- cises. ■ Rehabilitation: Physiotherapy, heat, mobilization of the spine, strengthening of the abdomen in a correct and directed way, flexibi - lity and strength of the lumbar spi- ne, dorsal and gluteus. Exercises such as Pilates bridges will come in handy to mobilize and relax the area. AUTHOR: Irene Jiménez , for Fundación Mapfre. Chiromassage therapist. W E L L N E S S W E L L N E S S 41