We are FCC - Nº18

The headquarters of the Official Co - llege of Architects of Madrid (COAM) hosted the “Act of good practices for talent management and business competitiveness”. During the session, the report Flexi- bilidad laboral y género España-Chi- le was presented, an initiative pro- moted by the Asociación Española de Ejecutiv@s y Consejer@s (EJE&- CON); REDMAD; Esade Women Initiative and CEOE with the aim of knowing the state of the art of labor flexibility in the international arena and in Chile, as well as to identify opportunities for the development and advancement of women in the top management of organizations. FCC Construcción receives the EJE&CON distinction as a committed company FCC Construcción has received the EJE&CON distinction as a committed company, code of talent and competitiveness. 12 years working for equality FCC Construcción is a pioneer in the development of equality actions, and has been working for more than 12 years to create awareness of the in- dividual rights of workers, protecting and empowering them; in particular, guaranteeing personal dignity within the company, establishing guidelines for healthy behavior and eradicating those behaviors that could be consi- dered illegitimate intrusions into per- sonal privacy. The company signed its first equali - ty plan in 2008, and in 2015 ratified its second plan. In both, the commit- ment to equal opportunities between men and women was made clear. The III Equality Plan thus constitutes an orderly set of measures that, rea- lly and effectively, will allow consoli - dating in the global scope for which it has been designed, the objectives of equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, and elimi- nating any hint of discrimination ba- sed on sex. R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 39 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y