We are FCC - Nº18

AENOR has awarded Cementos Portlanda Valderrivas the certifica - te of conformity of the production control of concrete manufactured in the plant, in compliance with Royal Decree 163/2019 (March 22), to the four concrete plants of the cement Group, which operate in the East Zone (Zona Franca, Trinitat, Vallcar- ca and Amposta). The Trinitat concrete plant (Barcelona) . The concrete plant in the Free Trade Zone (Barcelona) . The Vallarca concrete plant (Barcelona). Cementos Portland Valderrivas obtains the production control certificate for the concrete plants in the Eastern Zone The project of adaptation to the new regulations has required several months of work and has been achie- ved thanks to the effort and coor - dination of the Quality, Information Systems and Production teams. To obtain this certification, the plants are periodically evaluated by an in- dependent inspection entity that verifies that the legal requirements are met in the control of materials, warehouses, facilities, quality and environmental control and that there is traceability in all operations. This certification allows Cementos Porland Valderrivas to offer its cus - tomers quality concrete with greater guarantees and, above all, to do so with total transparency and safety. R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y 37 R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y