We are FCC - Nº18

FCC Industrial is carrying out a pio- neering project with vocational tra- ining students for their subsequent incorporation into the labor market. The initiative is based on the deve- lopment of an on-the-job training program, which enables students to subsequently join the company as employees. The students will receive the prac- tical training necessary for the exe- cution of their job functions. This training will include all the legal requirements derived from the per- formance of their job, client regula- tions, as well as specific practical aspects derived from their activity. FCC Industrial will have the colla- boration of training entities, such as ADEMI. In addition, practical seminars will be given by the main suppliers of materials, tools and installations with which FCC Indus- trial works, including Disacce, 3M, APLIWELD, EFOR, ADEMI, MESE- GUR and IRUDEK. These actions will provide the pro- gram with exclusive content spe- cifically tailored to the company’s activity, combined with practical training at the sites of the Power Networks division. FCC Industrial leads a pioneering project for the incorporation of vocational training students into the labor market FCC Industrial promotes the incorporation of vocational training students in the company. The Madrid vocational schools that will benefit from this activity will be IES Satafi (Getafe), IES Las Cante - ras (Villalba), and IES Universidad Laboral (Toledo). This first edition will be extended with successive actions aimed at attracting specialized talent to the company, as well as prioritizing training and safety as a lever for the growth of FCC Industrial’s ac- tivities, thus enabling them to be carried out with the utmost quality and rigor. P E O P L E 33 P E O P L E