We are FCC - Nº18

The management and work of FCC Environment, as one of the main companies in waste management and recycling in the United King- dom, through three of its emplo- yees, has been the protagonist of ‘Dom Digs In’, a new television pro- gram of the British public broadcas- ter BBC, whose broadcasts began on April 30, 2021 on its first chan - nel, BBC One. The new TV show sees presenter, Dominic Littlewood on the front line with some of the UK’s most essen- tial workers, many of whom have kept the country going throughout the three COVID-19 lockdowns. Tour of the High Heavens and Greatmoor During the first episode, the show’s host showed viewers how waste and residues are transformed into useful energy for homes and busi- nesses, along with Gillian Sinclair, Justin Baley and James Jackson. Appearing on the broadcast was Gillian Sinclair, FCC Environment’s Head of Development, Green Ener- gy division, who gave a tour of se- veral of the company’s facilities, including the High Heavens waste transfer station and the Greatmoor energy recovery plant in the Buc- kinghamshire town of Greatmoor. “Many people still believe that the waste they put in their black bin bags simply ends up in landfill, so it was great to have the opportunity to show Dom - the presenter - and the general public how we generate energy from household waste after collecting it from our people’s ho- mes,” said Gillian. The audience was also able to see the different stages that non-re - cyclable household waste goes through, once it has been collected from the curbside. The tour begins at the weighbridge, an industrial-si- zed scale outside the waste transfer station that weighs each collection vehicle that comes in loaded with garbage, so that it is possible to ac- curately track, from its arrival, the exact amount of waste and garbage. Once inside High Heavens, the pre- senter meets Justin Bailey, another of FCC Environment’s employees, whose main role is to ensure that non-recyclable waste from house- holds in the Buckinghamshire lo- cality is methodically and efficiently packed into an articulated lorry and then transported to the Greatmoor plant. In another scene, the presenter and Gillian go to Greatmoor, where they meet waste operator James Jack- son, who shows Dominic Littlewood how the team inspects the waste for items that could cause problems to avoid any mishaps in the process. Once the waste is loaded into the furnace, it is incinerated and produ- ces a steam that through the plant’s turbine generates electricity. “I hope that those who watch the program will be inspired to conti- nue to reduce, reuse and recycle as much of their waste as possi- ble,” adds Gillian, hoping that the audience can appreciate the work that FCC Environment’s workers do in this sector. Three FCC Environment employees in Buckinghamshire (UK) star in BBC television program P E O P L E 32 P E O P L E