We are FCC - Nº18

David Cañizares Velasco, an em- ployee of FCC Environment, be- longs to the tire collection, street cleaning and pest control service in Leganés (Madrid) and dedicates his free time to painting on canvas. A hobby he enjoys and carries out under the nickname of SEE. His latest works were exhibited from March 12 to April 10 in the Rigober - ta Menchú room, a space located in the same town where he provides his services to the company. With the collection “My universe of light and color”, and through co- lor, David wanted to convey a very hopeful message for this 2021, after the passage of the pandemic due to COVID-19. It is composed of forty canvases that he made during the first confinement in 2020, in which he has made use of a wide chro- matic range and geometric shapes, with a very personal touch, with which he intends to inspire, with his particular vision, to “recover our habits, customs and illusion for the good that lies ahead”. An artist among us: David Cañizares , a worker at FCC Medio Ambiente A life in the service of art A turn of 365 degrees “After a dark period that we have been living in society, with the pandemic and in which I have not stopped drawing black on white and vice versa, I decided to make a 365-degree turn and capture a whole universe of light and color, a motif that has given name to this exhibition, which is my third”, ex- plains David, who admits that he always tries to leave a stamp of his own identity when capturing his ideas on canvas. In the painter’s own words, his new works aim to “spread this positive vision expressed through colorful canvases” to leave behind bad me- mories “of a dark experience, full of bad news and a lot of fear”. “This exhibition is an expression of hap- piness and positive energy to reco- ver the normal tone of our lives,” he stresses. David Cañizares’ journey as part of FCC Medio Ambiente began in September 2019, coinciding with the company’s arrival in the Madrid municipality, where he himself has lived for almost a decade. His morning shift at FCC Medio Ambiente allows him to have the afternoons free to dedicate to his artistic work, so making his work and his passion compatible is not a problem for him. David dreams of having a space exclusively dedica- ted to his art, although for now his painting space is his home, where he combines his personal and ar- tistic life. David started painting when he was 13 years old, inspired by the street artists of the nineties, a time when there was a boom in this type of art, although he always learned in a self-taught way, motivated by his great eagerness and interest in painting. During his adolescence, he got carried away by the urban art of the time that was so success- ful at that time, through the different graffiti writers of Madrid. When he began to feel curious about art, he left the aerosols and moved to the canvas inspired by artists such as Van Gogh, Picasso, Dalí, Miró, Goya or Kandinsky, and with watercolors, acrylics and Pos- ca markers, with which he currently works, he began to create works with his own style, always under a very personal prism. His artistic name, “SEE”, comes from the verb “to see” in English, as he says he has always been very observant and curious. P E O P L E 31 P E O P L E