We are FCC - Nº18

Under the slogan “Your safety and well-being come first for Aqualia. Participate in ‘Safety Week’ and help us build a real preventive cultu- re!”, the company organized various health promotion activities at several of its headquarters, coinciding with April 28, the date on which World Day for Safety and Health at Work is commemorated. Among the most outstanding events that took place was the presentation of the awards for the Recognition of Preventive Effort, corresponding to the 2019 and 2020 editions, which represent the culmination of the Pre- ventive Culture Project launched in the company in 2015. The finalist contracts, which had alre - ady been awarded in their Zones or Areas, were Tomelloso and the San Claudio WWTP (Zone I); IDAM Mu- txamel and Ibiza (Zone II); Aquajerez and Ranilla WWTP (Zone III); San- tander 2020 Investment Plan (wor - ks), as well as Caltaqua and SmVaK (Europe); Huechún and Guaymas desalination plant (America); and OSWS and Faast Metro (MENA). The winners were Tomelloso, Ibiza and SmVaK. The event took place in a semi-pre- sential mode, with all the finalists connected through the Zoom video- conferencing platform, and was pre- sided over by Félix Parra, CEO of the company, from its headquarters in Las Tablas (Madrid), together with the directors of the National and In- ternational areas, Santiago Lafuente and Luis de Lope, respectively. The company also launched various health promotion initiatives in different locations where it has work centers. In order to promote the importance of health, Aqualia carried out different activities and workshops at some of its sites. The winner Rosa María Domínguez (center), accompanied by the finalists Tomás Díaz, Gabriel Cruz, Álvaro Gómez and Juan Calleja. Aqualia celebrates Safety Week Positive balance in previous editions that offer an accurate vision of the fact that our wellbeing depends on an effi - cient integrated water management service, an essential element for the functioning of human beings, biodi- versity, the environment and all the living elements of the planet”. At the end of the ceremony, Aqualia encouraged journalists from all over Spain to participate in the sixth edi- tion of the competition, the rules of which will be published shortly. próximamente. In 2016, the jury chose as winner the journalist Tomás Díaz for an arti - cle published in the newspaper El Economista entitled “The sanitation fee will go up 50%, thereby increasing the bill”. In the second edition, the journalist Francisco Jiménez, from Diario Sur, won the first prize for his article “A constant drip in the middle of a drought”. In 2018, the Aqualia Journalism Award went to Jorge García Badía, journalist of La Verdad de Murcia, for his work “The municipal water service lo- ses 300,000 euros per year due to frauds in the network”. In the last edition, the article “In the eco and odorless car that runs with Chicla- na poop”, published by journalist Paco Rego in El Mundo, won the IV Aqualia Journalism Award. P E O P L E 29 P E O P L E