We are FCC - Nº18

ber 1993, although I have the feeling that only two days have passed. I say this not only because of how fast time goes by, but also because it goes by even faster when you are engaged in something you are really passionate about. How did your love of FCC history and compiling its history begin? The second part of the question is the culmination of the first. The fond - ness for FCC’s history took shape so soon... I felt totally identified with it and with the house I was working for, thanks to having at my disposal a limited collection of documents, witnessing the development, evolu- tion, achievements and vicissitudes of FCC. I soon found myself decora- ting the office with a selection of the - se documents, in order to captivate the colleagues of the company who visited us. One of the factors that prompted me to collect documentary sour- ces was precisely the lack of docu- ments in this small and exceptional collection. The collection includes documents and texts, photographs, recognitions, prizes and awards of which the FCC Group is the prota- gonist, as well as objects that are testimony of its trajectory. What has been the most recent acquisition? We have recently acquired a publi- cation from 1926 dedicated to the in - fluence of FCC (FOCSA at that time) in the socioeconomic fabric of Col- menar Viejo (Madrid), thanks to the acquisition of quarries in that town for its exploitation. And the oldest document? Among all that we have, we have a manuscript of the sale of a piece of land in the municipality of Caldes de Montbui (Barcelona), which dates from 1767 and is in an admirable sta - te of preservation. What kind of care must be applied to such sensitive materials and how is their safety guaranteed? The usual processes are applied to preserve the facilities where the do- cumentary sources and objects are kept: comprehensive cleaning of facilities and filing cabinets, natural or mechanical ventilation, pest and humidity control, maintenance of electrical and sanitary installations, automatic and manual fire and intru - sion extinguishing systems, etc. Ac- cess to these historical funds is also restricted by means of the regulatory procedures regarding Information Security, applicable to all documents in our custody. In addition, we have a rigorous access control to our faci- lities, since only specifically authori - zed personnel can access them. Depending on the type of sources, we also apply restoration and main- tenance processes that mainly affect historical objects, guaranteeing their physical integrity, as well as that of the documentary collections, pro- tecting the company’s patrimonial assets. What would be the ideal in your professional field? It seems that this ideal has the po- tential to become a reality. The FCC Group’s General Services have set aside a space in our faci- lities to establish a Historical Center that brings together the acquisition, conservation, study and exhibition of documentary sources and histo- rical objects that bear witness to its history, which avoids documentary gaps caused by the lack of written testimonies about the company’s historical milestones. In addition, it avoids losses due to the simple pas- sage of time, changes of location or fortuitous losses. On the other hand, it guarantees secure and controlled access by Group employees to these sources, a historical heritage asset of which they are a part. I can’t imagine myself working in a profession other than as a documentalist. Time goes by even faster when you are engaged in something you are truly passionate about. I would like to thank the General Ser- vices for the trust they have placed in me to undertake this exciting project and to be able to give testimony wor- thy of their expertise. P E O P L E 27 P E O P L E