We are FCC - Nº18

Rodolfo Mitjans Manager of the Central Archive in El Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona) Interest in the history of FCC: Interv iew Rodolfo Mitjans belongs to the Cor- porate Security and General Ser- vices team and through his hands have passed the books, objects and items that the company has accumu- lated over the more than 120 years it has been in charge of citizen servi- ces. In fact, Rodolfo remains faithful to his great hobby, the history of the twentieth century, which is precise- ly what has led him to want to delve deeper and learn more about the his- tory of FCC. At present, he is in charge of the site and of all the materials found the- re, keeping them all in the best and most optimal conditions, thanks to their proper maintenance and due protection. Is it vocational? How long have you been working at the Central Archive of Barcelona? Absolutely yes. I can’t imagine myself practicing any other profession than being a documentalist, which I have been doing with total devotion and which, together with my passion for history, make a fascinating cocktail. I started my career here in Novem- RodolfoMitjans Marsá is the person in charge of FCC’s Central Archive at one of its work centers in Barcelona, specifically in El Prat de Llobregat. P E O P L E 26 P E O P L E